Mysterious Phenomena of the Unexplained is a series of seven Webtoons cartoons released in 2001 and 2002. These shorts are hosted by paranormal investigator Daffy Duck with his sidekick Porky Pig. Each webisode explores a different conspiracy.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S01E01 | Sufferin' Sasquatch |
January 1, 2001
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E02 | Who Wants to be a Martian-Aire? |
January 1, 2002
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E03 | Loch Ness Mess |
January 1, 2002
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E04 | Cropsy Curvy |
August 8, 2002
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E05 | The Bermuda Short |
January 1, 2002
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E06 | The Taming of the Screwball |
January 1, 2003
Warner Bros.
3 | |
S01E07 |
¡El Chupacabra!
season finale
January 1, 2003
Warner Bros.
3 |
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No artwork of this type.
No artwork of this type.