试点学校的高年级学生将在护理学校接受为期两周的急救培训。 新任总护士长张素金给穆晓晓打电话。 她认为自己已经与江云天吻了一下,必须在两周内追上他。 学校为他们准备了化装舞会。 在舞会上,穆晓晓以为江云天会打扮得潇洒有意,并与一些假面骑士和 子手混在一起,但她没有找到江云天。 看到每个人都如此高兴并略带醉酒,沮丧的穆晓潇独自一人跌落在操场上。 这时,史莱克出现了。 怪物史莱克谈到了他的童年和童年的女孩,后者给了他伴随着天空的折纸翅膀。 现在,那个女孩正在帮助他度过危机。 他终于证实了自己的爱。 穆晓晓醉酒入睡,不知道史瑞克是姜云天,小时候的女孩就是她自己。
The pilot school senior students will be in the nursing school for a two-week first-aid training. Mu Xiao Xiao is called by the new head nurse Zhang Su Jin. She thinks that she had shared a kiss with Jiang Yun Tian and must pursue him within two weeks. The school prepared a masquerade for them. At the ball, Mu Xiao Xiao thought that Jiang Yun Tian would appear handsomely and deliberately dressed up, mixed with some Kamen Riders and executioners, but she did not find Jiang Yun Tian. Seeing everyone so happy and with a slight drunkenness, the frustrated Mu Xiao Xiao left alone and fell at the playground. At this time, a Shrek appeared. Shrek spoke of his childhood and the girl of the childhood who gave him origami wings which accompanied him to the sky. Now the girl is helping him through the crisis. He has finally confirmed his love. Mu Xiao Xiao was drunk and fell asleep, not knowing that the Shrek is Jiang Yun Tian and that the girl in his childhood was herself.