Home / Series / LoadingReadyRun / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 29


Morgan shows up at Graham's place and finds him playing Oblivion. Graham admits he has been playing for 70 hours and is "celebrating no pants day". Morgan then tells Graham that Nintendo have announced their new console system's name, which is the "Wii". Suitably impressed, Graham decides to go out and preorder one and asks for his pants, only to be given a man thong. Outside, Graham cries out "Wee" only to be accosted by a lawyer claiming to be from Nintendo and is warned that he can not shout "Wee" without paying royalties. Graham is skeptical only to be handed a subpoena. Outraged, he asks Morgan for his actual pants and visits a campaign group, Families Against Ridiculous Trademarks. The leader of the group goes off into a tirade about console manufacturers trademarking "monosyllabic expressions of jubilance". The group is joined by a mysterious gentleman who asks if the leader of FART is not afraid of legal action. The leader claims to have a anti-lawyer charm that was bought for $200. He then proceedes to make a prank call to Nintendo only to be traced and found out. Surprised at how they could do so, the mysterious gentlemen reveals himself to be Nintendo's lawyer, who accosted Graham earlier. The FART leader then dispatches him with the anti-lawyer charm. The lawyer melts in a puff of smoke and Graham is left somewhat confused and surprised. The video ends with Graham back at his house playing more video games.

  • Originally Aired May 5, 2006
  • Runtime 5 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Created May 13, 2018 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified May 13, 2018 by
    Administrator admin