Miranda glaubt, in Ryan verliebt zu sein. Da sie in seiner Anwesenheit kein Wort herausbekommt, bittet sie Lizzie wie ihm Theater einzusagen. Doch leider fliegt die Aktion auf und Ryan glaubt, dass Lizzie in ihn verknallt ist.
Miranda is romantically smitten with a boy in her class, but is too nervous to talk to him. So, Lizzie decides to help her out. A misunderstanding leads the boy to believe that Lizzie has a romantic crush on him. Gordo is sick of listening to all the girl-talk between Lizzie and Miranda and decides to indulge in some male bonding with Matt.
Miranda croit être amoureuse de Ryan. Comme elle n'arrive pas à lui parler, Lizzie se propose de l'aider. Gordo, fatigué par ces histoires de filles, joue avec Matt.
Miranda si è perdutamente innamorata di un ragazzo della scuola. Lui la invita a pranzare insieme durante l'intervallo, ma ogni volta che si incontrano Miranda non riesce ad aprire bocca e Lizzie deve suggerirle le parole giuste.