Since September 11 2001, the Islamic community in Australia has received considerable media attention, generating fear and mistrust. Is that fear and mistrust well placed? Or are the majority being condemned by the actions of the few? Almost half the Muslims in Australia live in south-western Sydney. The majority in just five suburbs centred around Bankstown. Ben was born and bred in Bankstown, he’s seen his world change as Arab Muslims have stamped their identity on his home suburb, and he doesn’t like what he sees. Ahmed and Lydia are a devout Muslim couple living in western Sydney. Ahmed is from Egypt, Lydia is a convert who grew up in a country pub. Lydia converted in the wake of the September 11 attacks after enrolling in a course on Islam to better understand the religion and the motivation for the terror attacks. She wanted to find out why they had happened, and what motivated the hijackers. Instead of discovering a religion of hate and war, she says, she discovered a religion of peace and justice. Ben believes there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Can Lydia and Ahmed convince him otherwise?