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Season 1

  • S01E01 What is Divine Mercy?

    • September 8, 2021

    In Divine Mercy, God gave us a blueprint to get to Heaven. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains the ABCs: Ask for God’s Mercy, Be Merciful to Each Other, and Completely Trust in God’s Mercy.

  • S01E02 The Devotion to Divine Mercy

    • September 16, 2021

    Jesus gave us five new channels of grace to awaken the world to the devotion to Divine Mercy. Father Chris Alar, MIC, defines them as F.I.N.C.H.: the Divine Mercy Feast, Image, Novena, Chaplet, and Hour.

  • S01E03 Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    • September 23, 2021

    The suffering that we think God is imposing on us is really us doing it to ourselves, Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains. Often it isn’t until we are finally brought to our knees that we finally discover our need for God.

  • S01E04 How to Pray

    • September 29, 2021

    Since every single grace comes from prayer, we need to make it part of our busy lives. Father Chris Alar, MIC, suggests the four best times for prayer: when we wake up, at meals, when receiving the Sacraments, and before we go to sleep.

  • S01E05 Who was St. Faustina?

    • October 6, 2021

    Jesus Himself appeared to Sr. Maria Faustina Kowalska, a simple, uneducated nun in Poland, and advised her to record their conversations and messages in a diary, to inspire others to trust in Him and His Divine Mercy.

  • S01E06 Fatima and Divine Mercy

    • October 14, 2021

    Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains how private revelation to the three children in Fatima, Portugal, compares to the experience of St. Faustina, especially the ongoing importance of First Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  • S01E07 Why All Saints Day?

    • October 21, 2021

    In this episode in anticipation of All Saints Day on Nov. 1, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC talk about the saints; who they are and why we venerate them.

  • S01E08 Halloween

    • October 28, 2021

    Can or should Catholics participate in celebrating Halloween? Fr. Chris shares the history of this holiday from its Catholic roots. Noted former Satanist, Zachary King, explains why it is so important not to become involved with the occult.

  • S01E09 Why Purgatory Exists

    • November 4, 2021

    Christians since the first century have prayed for the dead. In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC discusses why Purgatory exists and how we can know this based on scripture and experiences of the saints.

  • S01E10 Seven Secrets of the Eucharist

    • November 11, 2021

    Vinny Flynn, well-known author and Divine Mercy expert discusses his book 7 Secrets of the Eucharist with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC. This episode will help you gain a new understanding of the power of Holy Communion.

  • S01E11 Secrets of the Eucharist Part 2

    • November 18, 2021

    The Eucharist – Part Two: In a continuation from last week, the remaining seven secrets with Vinny Flynn are discussed and testimony is given by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC and others as to the power of the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • S01E12 Thanksgiving

    • November 25, 2021

    Join Fr. Chris as he discusses why Thanksgiving is a religious observance and why it is so important for us to express our gratitude to the Lord.

  • S01E13 Understanding Advent

    • December 2, 2021

    In this episode learn about the real meaning of the misunderstood and forgotten season of Advent and how it can help prepare us not only for Christmas, but for eternal life. Special guest: Teresa Tomeo.

  • S01E14 Immaculate Conception

    • December 9, 2021

    How do we respond when non-Catholics say that Mary must have had sin because then she wouldn't need a Savior? How do we respond when they say that the bible says, "All people have sinned"? Learn how to explain the Immaculate Conception, the patronal feast day of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. And what is the connection to Divine Mercy? Learn as Fr. Chris and other Marians share why it is so important.

  • S01E15 What is True Forgiveness?

    • December 16, 2021

    As Christians are we required to “forgive and forget?” Fr. Chris shares the answer to this question and enlightens us to exactly what asked of us from God and the mercy to be gained (for ourselves and for others) from forgiving.

  • S01E16 True Meaning of Christmas

    • December 23, 2021

    We all know about Christmas time, but do we know why the traditions we have came about? When does Christmas actually begin and when does the Christmas season actually end? What is the true meaning of the season and why do we celebrate it on December 25?

  • S01E17 The Epiphany Explained

    • January 6, 2022

    In this episode, Fr. Chris explains what the Epiphany is and why it is so important. This forgotten feast is full of graces - learn how to receive what God wants to give us. Also, a touching story of a little girl who had a big impact on those in her life.

  • S01E18 Meaning of the Wedding at Cana

    • January 13, 2022

    What is the the meaning Wedding Feast at Cana and why does it explain Mary's role of intercession? Fr. Chris Alar discusses this and presents the most incredible story of Zion Clark, who you won't believe when you see. Join us for this powerful episode of Living Divine Mercy.

  • S01E19 The Importance of Life

    • January 20, 2022

    As the anniversary of Roe v Wade approaches, Fr. Chris discusses the pro-life teachings of the Church (why the Church is pro-life) and shares the powerful story of how Divine Mercy helped one woman to heal from her decision to end her unwanted pregnancy.

  • S01E20 What is the Domestic Church?

    • January 27, 2022

    The "Domestic Church" is a little-known term but is of extreme importance. So much so, that if we lose it, society will cease to exist. In this week’s episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares the Church’s teaching on the definition of the term and what it means for Catholics. He also shares an incredible example of a town that you wouldn’t believe still exists today and how its inhabitants live out the essence of the domestic Church in their everyday lives.

  • S01E21 The Angels

    • February 3, 2022

    Are angels real? How can we better receive their help? Can I name my Guardian Angel? Must we believe in their existence? What does the Bible say? For the answers to these questions and to hear amazing stories about the presence of angels in the lives of ordinary people, watch this new episode of “Living Divine Mercy” with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC.

  • S01E22 Lourdes & God's Healing Power

    • February 10, 2022

    Learn about the apparitions of Our Lady at Lourdes, France, when Our Lady revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception and then left us a powerful devotion that has given the world thousands of healings over the past 164 years. God's healing power continues in many unseen ways and through the work of many modern-day apostles, such as the Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy.

  • S01E23 Confession (Part 1)

    • February 17, 2022

    Do you have a love-hate relationship with the Sacrament of Confession? While most of us know that Confession is about forgiveness, you will learn that is not actually the main objective... surprisingly, something else is. Watch this week’s episode to gain an increased understanding of this most important, and sometimes forgotten, Sacrament as well as inspiring story of a woman's experience in the Confessional.

  • S01E24 Confession: Secrets 5-7

    • February 24, 2022

    What you didn't know about Confession! The healing graces that are available from the Sacrament of Reconciliation are abundant and should not be squandered or forgotten. Lent is the perfect time to utilize these graces to change your life. Watch as Fr. Chris Alar and Vinny Flynn continue their discussion of the book, "7 Secrets of Confession" on this week’s episode.

  • S01E25 Ash Wednesday, Fasting & Lent

    • March 3, 2022

    Is Ash Wednesday a holy day of obligation? Why do we receive ashes? What are the Church's rules on fasting and abstinence? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC has the answers to these and other questions about the holy season of Lent that we are entering into.

  • S01E26 The Feast of Divine Mercy

    • March 10, 2022

    What is the meaning of Divine Mercy Sunday and why is it so critical today? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and Divine Mercy expert and author, Vinny Flynn, as they discuss the 5 elements of the devotion to Divine Mercy. This week they discuss the Feast.

  • S01E27 The Image of Divine Mercy

    • March 17, 2022

    The Image of Divine Mercy is one of the three greatest images in the history of Sacred Art (along with the Shroud of Turin and Our Lady of Guadalupe). So what makes this icon so important? Why did Jesus say He wants it in every home and why did he offer so many promises to those who do? What is the theology behind it? In addition, there are several versions of the Divine Mercy Image. Which version has the most graces? Once again this week, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC and Vinny Flynn discuss the elements of the Divine Mercy devotion and specifically, the Image of Divine Mercy. Learn more about how the veneration of this Image can help bring about abundant graces.

  • S01E28 The Novena of Divine Mercy

    • March 24, 2022

    Novenas are very powerful prayers because they are an intense and persevering form of prayer. But what makes the Divine Mercy Novena — which is prayed between Good Friday and the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday — different from all other Novenas? And why did Jesus give specific groups that He wanted to be brought to Him? Watch this latest episode of Living Divine Mercy as Fr. Chris Alar, MIC and Vinny Flynn discuss this powerful channel of grace.

  • S01E29 The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

    • March 31, 2022

    What is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and why did Jesus give this most powerful prayer to St. Faustina? What promises did he make for salvation to all who would pray it? Learn all about how you can say this prayer to implore God’s mercy on mankind, the dying, and all sinners by meditating on the merits of His Passion. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and Vinny Flynn for the fourth episode about the channels of grace available through devotion to Divine Mercy.

  • S01E30 The Hour of Divine Mercy

    • April 7, 2022

    What is the Hour of Great Mercy? Did Jesus ask St. Faustina to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during this 3 o’clock hour? What are the promises associated with praying during this time? In the final episode of this 5-part series on the five channels of grace that were given to St. Faustina, Fr. Chris Alar and Vinny Flynn discuss the meaning of the Hour of Great Mercy and the graces available for the asking.

  • S01E31 The Triduum

    • April 14, 2022

    Did you know that the Triduum is both a feast and a liturgical season? Why is there no consecration and full Mass during the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday? Join Fr. Chris Alar as he explains each event in the Passion of our Lord leading up to His glorious Resurrection. Also, see the amazing story of a man who died and came back to life again, like a "mini-resurrection."

  • S01E32 How to Receive the Graces of Divine Mercy Sunday

    • April 21, 2022

    In Divine Mercy Sunday, Jesus has given us an incredible gift of mercy and an incredibly easy way to attain it. So what was the promise Jesus made for this one day only and what two easy things do you need to do in order to receive this life-changing grace? You won’t want to miss this episode.

  • S01E33 The Priesthood with Mark Wahlberg

    • April 28, 2022

    Even going back to the Old Testament, the people of God have always had priests to mediate between them and God; to offer sacrifices in expiation for the sin of the people. Did the role of the priest change in the New Testament? And if so, how? Hear Fr. Chris discuss the priesthood and interview Mark Wahlberg about his new movie, Father Stu.

  • S01E34 Mary: Our Spiritual Mother

    • May 5, 2022

    What does it mean to say that Mary is our spiritual mother? And why do we give this name to the Blessed Virgin Mary? Learn from Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, why we should take Mary into our home and our hearts as a mother like the Apostle John did.

  • S01E35 Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, Love

    • May 12, 2022

    See one of the most heart-warming stories we have ever featured on this show about an amazing place in Pittsburgh that will deeply affect you. Also, what are the Theological Virtues and do you know why the Church places such importance on them? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC answers these questions and many more on this episode of Living Divine Mercy.

  • S01E36 Baptism: Needed for Salvation?

    • May 19, 2022

    What makes the Catholic Church different from all other religions of the world is the Sacraments. Baptism impresses the Christian character in the soul, allowing the other sacraments. Baptism is necessary for salvation for all those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed. Fr. Chris Alar explains why this is so, mainly because it confers the first sanctifying grace and the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Also, he explains why baptizing infants is actually in the Bible and is something that was done by Christians since the very beginning of the Church.

  • S01E37 What Does the Church Teach About Sports?

    • May 26, 2022

    Is there a connection between the discipline required to excel at sports and the discipline required to excel in our faith? What does the Catholic Church teach about sports? In addition to discussing these topics, Fr. Chris Alar also sits down to talk with Coach Lou Holtz, a former coach of the University of Notre Dame football team and a life-long faithful Catholic.

  • S01E38 The Holy Spirit

    • June 2, 2022

    As the most misunderstood and underappreciated person of the Trinity, we often fail to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. So we need to better understand Pentecost, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC to learn more as he discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. Also, Mel Gibson sheds light on the making of the movie "Fr. Stu" with Mark Wahlberg.

  • S01E39 The Trinity

    • June 9, 2022

    As the central mystery of our faith, the Most Holy Trinity is the mystery of God in himself, one God in three distinct persons. In this episode Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, provides some insight on how we can come to understand this mystery which will never be fully understood by man.

  • S01E40 The Power of St. Joseph

    • June 16, 2022

    Join our special guest host, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, the author of Consecration to St. Joseph, as he discusses Saint Joseph as an example of a father in earthly terms, and as a prototype of 'Abba' - God, the Father to the Christ Jesus here on earth.

  • S01E41 The Sacred Heart of Jesus

    • June 23, 2022

    What is the devotion to the Sacred Heart? When did it begin and why? What does the devotion to The Sacred Heart have to do with the devotion to The Divine Mercy? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, to find the answers to these questions and more, about one of the most powerful devotions we have in the Church.

  • S01E42 The Immaculate Heart of Mary

    • June 30, 2022

    In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discusses the requests made by Our Lady at Fatima that, if followed by us, would ward off chastisements and lead to the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. Among these were to pray the Rosary daily for peace, and also to observe First Saturdays to make reparation for the blasphemies committed against her. Fr. Chris explains why this is one of the "Big 4" of all Catholic devotions.

  • S01E43 The Precious Blood Devotion

    • July 7, 2022

    Learn why the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus is considered to be one of the four most important devotions in the Church. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains how our sinful nature has separated us from God’s holy presence and how it is only through Jesus’ bloody sacrifice on the cross that we are washed from sin and reconciled with our Father. Learn justification for the Eucharist.

  • S01E44 Mount Carmel and the Brown Scapular

    • July 14, 2022

    Who is Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and what is her message? What is the Brown Scapular and what is Church teaching surrounding its wearing and the promises/graces attached to it? In anticipation of the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares the story traditionally associated with its existence and the promises extended to those who wear it by Our Lady.

  • S01E45 Spiritual Warfare

    • July 21, 2022

    Spiritual warfare is real. This reality of demonic powers has always been a constant doctrine of the Catholic Church. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he discusses why Satan hates man and why he wants us to fall as he did, trying to assert control through infestation, oppression, obsession, and possession.

  • S01E46 The Meaning of the Holy Mass

    • July 28, 2022

    Bored at Mass? Not sure what is happening? Fr. Chris Alar walks you through the Mass and explains how every part comes from Scripture. You can't love what you don't understand, so now you can love the Mass by learning the Mass! In this episode, we discuss God’s three greatest acts of mercy and how this relates to the greatest act of worship, the Holy Mass.

  • S01E47 The Transfiguration

    • August 4, 2022

    Go back to seminary with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the Transfiguration in a way that will inspire you. In one event, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, several truths of our faith from the Old Testament are fulfilled. Fr. Chris tells the significance of the appearance of Elijah and Moses and draws parallels between their experiences and Jesus’ actions.

  • S01E48 An Amazing Story of Trust

    • August 11, 2022

    Trust is a living faith – believing what someone tells you and acting on it. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC as he discusses the types of help God has given us to be able to trust and thereby accept the graces He offers us. Then see one of the most incredible stories you will ever see of miracle healing of four children in one class diagnosed with incurable and fatal diseases. Amazing!

  • S01E49 Marian Consecration

    • August 18, 2022

    With all the suffering in the world, how does God provide for us? He provides for us in many ways, but one of the best ways is through the gift of his mother. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he discusses the best way to receive all the graces of that gift — Marian Consecration.

  • S01E50 How to Bring Loved Ones Back to the Church

    • August 25, 2022

    The number of fallen-away Catholics in the United States has risen dramatically over the past 10 years and a Pew Research study reports that 50% of young Americans who were raised Catholic no longer are. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, is joined by Brandon Vogt, author of “Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church” to discuss how through better evangelization, we can bring our loved ones back to the Church.

  • S01E51 Plenary Indulgences

    • September 1, 2022

    What are plenary indulgences? How does one gain a plenary indulgence? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discusses these “extra credit” of graces and the requirements that will help us gain the graces from the “Treasury of the Church.”

  • S01E52 September 11th and the Holy Face of Mary

    • September 8, 2022

    All people old enough remember where they were on Sept. 11, 2001. But do you know the connection between that attack and the Holy Name of Mary? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he discusses this connection and hear the story of how those events helped to transform the life of one woman who was working on Wall Street that day.

  • S01E53 Spiritual Works of Mercy

    • September 15, 2022

    Performing works of mercy here on earth is essential to our eternal happiness but sometimes we make the excuses of not having the time, talent or resources to perform such works. But, Jesus told St. Faustina “for the many souls who are often worried because they do not have the material means with which to carry out and act of mercy. Yet spiritual mercy, which requires neither permissions nor storehouses, is much more meritorious and is within the grasp of of every soul.” In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discusses the spiritual works of mercy and how we can best accomplish them.

  • S01E54 Saint Padre Pio - Amazing Stories

    • September 22, 2022

    In this episode, join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explores the life and incredible stories of one of the greatest saints of modern times, St. Padre Pio. Learn about the stigmata (Christ’s wounds) that he bore for 50 years and hear about some of his miracles and saintly virtues.

  • S01E55 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

    • September 29, 2022

    Pope Pius X called St. Therese the greatest saint of modern times. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he shares more about this “little” saint; her life, her beliefs, and the role that Divine Mercy played in her spirituality.

  • S01E56 Saint Faustina and the Angels

    • October 6, 2022

    We know that God is glorified in his angels and in his saints. In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, speaks about a powerful example that combines them both: St. Faustina and the angels. Learn how God provides his angels to help us in our spiritual warfare and hear the 25-point “battle plan” given by God to St. Faustina that can help us today!

  • S01E57 Hope After Suicide

    • October 13, 2022

    The loss of a loves one (suicide or any cause of death) is perhaps the most difficult of all topics to talk about. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares, based on personal and pastoral experience, a fact we know to be true: Even in the midst of such darkness, God’s mercy is present. There is hope for the soul of the departed and there is hope for those left behind.

  • S01E58 Pope St. John Paul II - The Mercy Pope

    • October 20, 2022

    Pope John Paul II was an incredibly holy man, a man of prayer, and a saint. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC as he shares amazing insight into the life of this man; a life centered on the Eucharist, and a pontificate dedicated to spreading the message of Divine Mercy.

  • S01E59 Do Ghosts Exist?

    • October 27, 2022

    Do ghosts really exist? Yes, but who are they? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he discusses Catholic Church teaching on ghosts and spirits, and the difference between prayer or veneration and necromancy.

  • S01E60 End Times Part 1: The 5 Signs

    • November 3, 2022

    What are the signs, as foretold in Scripture, that will precede the end times and the second coming of Christ? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, in this first of a 3-part series as he explains the signs and talks with Daniel O’Connor, an expert on eschatology, the study of the end times.

  • S01E61 End Times Part 2: The 3 Days of Darkness

    • November 10, 2022

    What does the Catholic Church teach about the End Times? Are we in them now? Specifically, the 3 days of darkness prophecies are referenced more than once in Scripture (in both the Old and New Testaments) and are also brought up in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska and the writings of other saints. Listen as Fr. Chris Alar, MIC “sheds light” on this topic in the second of three episodes on the End Times. Special guest Daniel O’Connor.


    • November 17, 2022

    A discussion of eschatology, the study of the End Times from a Catholic perspective. Learn how the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart fits into this prophecy and the era of peace which precedes the Second Coming of Christ.

  • S01E63 The Meaning of Thanksgiving

    • November 24, 2022

    Thanksgiving is not just a secular holiday. Many civilizations throughout history celebrated the harvest by thanking their God(s). The Pilgrims, who were Christians celebrated with their Native American brethren upon whom they heavily depended for survival. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the origins and meaning of Thanksgiving.

  • S01E64 Suffering and Healing

    • December 1, 2022

    What is the proper way to seek healing and how are we to understand it when we or our loved ones are not cured? Should we only rely on God? Should we only rely on physicians and science? Is there ever any value to our suffering? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, has some answers for us in this episode.

  • S01E65 The Immaculate Conception

    • December 8, 2022

    For some, the Immaculate Conception of Mary is a difficult idea to grasp but it is an important dogma of the Church and one that all of us should be able to explain to others. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares key facts about the Immaculate Conception and explains the connection to Divine Mercy.

  • S01E66 Our Lady of Guadalupe

    • December 15, 2022

    Why is St. Juan Diego's tilma called miraculous? Why is Our Lady of Guadalupe known as the protectress of life? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explores the events surrounding the apparition of Our Lady on the hill in Tepeyac near Mexico City and explains the miracles associated with the Tilma.... why it cannot be explained.

  • S01E67 How Christmas Traditions Came To Be

    • December 22, 2022

    If you have ever wondered where some of our most treasured Christmas traditions originated, you’ll be surprised to learn that many of them, including the Christmas tree and even Santa Claus, began from Catholic roots. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he shares some stories about the traditions of Christmas.

  • S01E68 The Meaning of the Mass

    • December 29, 2022

    The Mass is the greatest act of worship we can make. However, why does it seem "boring" at times or hard to pay attention? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains why the Holy Mass is greater than any prayer we can personally make alone in our room and how it is entirely based on scripture. After watching this you will never see Mass in the same way again!

  • S01E69 7 Deadly Sins (Part 1: Pride)

    • January 5, 2023

    Start the new year right! Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he begins a new series on the 7 Deadly Sins and the corresponding virtues that we can practice to overcome these sins. First up is Pride, the deadliest of all sins, and how only humility can overcome it.

  • S01E70 7 Deadly Sins (part 2: Envy)

    • January 12, 2023

    Why is the sin of envy so dangerous and why is it one of the 7 Deadly Sins? How can we truly practice the gratitude that will help us overcome the sin of envy? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains how envy arises in our lives and how we can conquer it and see the amazing story of a professional soccer player who gave up fame and fortune to serve God as a priest.

  • S01E71 7 Deadly Sins (Part 3: Gluttony)

    • January 19, 2023

    We often associate the sin of gluttony with overuse of food and drink, but it often applies to other activities as well. In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discusses the many ways in which the sin can manifest in our lives and how we can combat it. In addition, the Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, joins Fr. Chris to discuss the Pro-Life movement and the need to recapture an appreciation of all that is sacred.

  • S01E72 7 Deadly Sins (Part 4: Lust)

    • January 26, 2023

    Lust is the most pervasive sin in all of western culture, but how does the Church define "lust?" Why is it considered a Deadly Sin? Hear Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, discuss what the Catechism calls “disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure.” He will also talk with Maria Vargo, the actress who portrayed St. Faustina in the play titled “Faustina: Messenger of Mercy.” They will discuss how Divine Mercy helped Maria turn her life over to God.

  • S01E73 7 Deadly Sins (Part 5: Anger)

    • February 2, 2023

    How do we explain the fact that in the Bible, Jesus seems to first condemn anger, but then he appears to get angry himself? Is anger ever justified? Is it ever wrong to NOT get angry? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the answers to these questions. Then hear the amazing story of the mother of a special needs child who shares how God’s Divine Mercy brought her through the anger she felt at her circumstances.

  • S01E74 7 Deadly Sins (Part 6: Greed)

    • February 9, 2023

    Is a greedy person attaches such value to wealth and possessions that the accumulation and retention of them take priority over everyone and everything else, or is it something more? In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, defines greed and talks about its various forms, and how we can use generosity to overcome this deadly sin. He also shares the moving story of Dr. John Bruchalski, who through Divine Mercy transitioned from performing abortions to providing free health care and crisis pregnancy support to women in need.

  • S01E75 7 Deadly Sins (Part 7: Sloth)

    • February 16, 2023

    What sloth really is and why is it a sin? We often think of sloth as being the guy lying on the sofa all weekend, not lifting a finger except to open another cold beer. But that’s only one part of it. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains how sloth can affect us spiritually as well as physically and why we fall into it and how to avoid it. You’ll also hear the amazing story of a day in the life of the Carmelite monks of Wyoming who show extraordinary zeal for spreading devotion to Our Blessed Mother.

  • S01E76 Ash Wednesday, Fasting & Lent

    • February 23, 2023

    Why do we receive ashes? Is Ash Wednesday a holy day of obligation? What are the Church's rules on fasting and abstinence? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, gives us answers to these and other questions about the holy season of Lent that we are entering into. This episode features a story about St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy in Buffalo, New York, and one of its founders, Amy Betros. This is a shining example of living Divine Mercy through utilizing time, talents, and treasures to do the work of God here on earth.

  • S01E77 How to Defend Confession

    • March 2, 2023

    Confession is one of the most important things we can do in our entire lives. Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, can help us get over any fear and tell us all the reasons why we should be excited to go to Confession and reconcile ourselves with God Our Father. This episode also includes an inspirational interview with James Wahlberg about how he overcame a troubled childhood and reconciled with Our Lord.

  • S01E78 Addiction

    • March 9, 2023

    Why has addiction become so prevalent in our world? What, if anything, can we do to overcome it? What can we do to maintain hope? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, for a frank discussion and learn some answers to these questions. This episode also features an interview with Jim Wahlberg (brother of Mark Wahlberg) in which he shares some of his family’s experience with addiction and how they have worked to overcome it.

  • S01E79 How to Become a Saint

    • March 16, 2023

    God wants us all to be saints but how could that be possible? Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, lets us know what it takes to become a saint (it might be easier than you think!) and then shares the story of Fr. Bryce Lungren, the Cowboy Priest of Wyoming, who has his own unique way of helping his congregation to become holy.

  • S01E80 The Ten Commandments

    • March 23, 2023

    The 10 Commandments are recognized as a moral foundation by Judaism, Christianity, and even Islam, because they are based on the natural law. And they are just as relevant today as they were when they were written by the hand of God. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, for this discussion of the Ten Commandments and how to use them to perform a thorough examen of conscience before the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Featuring an inspiring story of St. Michael Indian School where God’s teaching is passed on to children of the Navajo nation.

  • S01E80 The Ten Commandments

    • March 23, 2023

  • S01E81 Ark of the Covenant

    • March 30, 2023

  • S01E81 Ark of the Covenant

    • March 30, 2023

  • S01E82 How Divine Mercy Came to Be

    • April 6, 2023

  • S01E82 How Divine Mercy Came to Be

    • April 6, 2023

  • S01E83 Graces of Divine Mercy Sunday

    • April 13, 2023

  • S01E83 Graces of Divine Mercy Sunday

    • April 13, 2023

  • S01E84 The Four Last Things (Death)

    • April 20, 2023

  • S01E84 The Four Last Things (Death)

    • April 20, 2023

  • S01E85 The Four Last Things (Judgment)

    • April 28, 2023

  • S01E85 The Four Last Things (Judgment)

    • April 28, 2023

  • S01E86 The Four Last Things (Heaven)

    • May 5, 2023

  • S01E86 The Four Last Things (Heaven)

    • May 5, 2023

  • S01E87 The Four Last Things (Hell)

    • May 11, 2023

  • S01E87 The Four Last Things (Hell)

    • May 11, 2023

  • S01E88 Ascension

    • May 18, 2023

  • S01E88 Ascension

    • May 18, 2023

  • S01E89 Pentecost

    • May 25, 2023

  • S01E89 Pentecost

    • May 25, 2023

  • S01E90 The Visitation

    • June 1, 2023

  • S01E90 The Visitation

    • June 1, 2023

  • S01E91 Eucharistic Miracles

    • June 8, 2023

  • S01E91 Eucharistic Miracles

    • June 8, 2023

  • S01E92 Who is God the Father?

    • June 15, 2023

  • S01E92 Who is God the Father?

    • June 15, 2023

  • S01E93 Penance

    • June 22, 2023

  • S01E93 Penance

    • June 22, 2023

  • S01E94 Were We Founded as a Christian Nation?

    • June 29, 2023

  • S01E94 Were We Founded as a Christian Nation?

    • June 29, 2023

  • S01E95 Incorruptibles and Relics

    • July 6, 2023

  • S01E95 Incorruptibles and Relics

    • July 6, 2023

  • S01E96 The Inquisition: Fact vs. Fiction

    • July 13, 2023

  • S01E96 The Inquisition: Fact vs. Fiction

    • July 13, 2023

  • S01E97 St. Charbel

    • July 20, 2023

    Who is one of the most prolific miracle workers that hardly anyone has ever heard of? One of the biggest power-hitters in the history of the Church! Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, shares the story of one of his favorite saints and the miraculous healings attributed to him. Also featured is the story of Communita Cenacolo, a community for healing from addiction.

  • S01E98 Understanding Marriage

    • July 27, 2023

    Do you know that the Church teaches there are the three objectives of marriage? In this episode, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains exactly how and why God defined marriage as He did. Then, William J. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, MA, shares the importance of love and marriage.

  • S01E99 Divorce and Annulment

    • August 3, 2023

    Of marriage, Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let no one separate” (Mt 19:6). But is divorce always a sin, and is it ever allowed by the Church? How does it differ from annulment which, contrary to popular belief, is not a “Catholic divorce”? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he sheds light on this important subject. Then hear the remarkable story of a man whose radical career change led him and his family to start a farm to feed the poor.

  • S01E100 The Best Highlights with Fr. Chris Alar

    • August 8, 2023

    It's our 100th episode of “Living Divine Mercy”! Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, for a special one-hour program as he presents a “greatest hits” of memorable stories from the first two seasons of the program. You’ll be inspired and amazed at God is always in action saving lives and souls, be they humble or famous, young or old.

  • S01E101 The Assumption of Mary

    • August 17, 2023

    The Church teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary, upon her death, was assumed into Heaven by the power of God. But how do we explain the Assumption, if we can’t find direct evidence of it in the Bible? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals how Scripture, Sacred Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium guide us Catholics in our way of life. Then be inspired by the story of the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, New Jersey, whose “Nightwatch” ministry is a lifeline to the elderly and infirmed.

  • S01E102 The Rosary

    • August 25, 2023

    When Our Lady presented the Rosary to St. Dominic, she said it would be used as a battering ram against falsehoods, a kind of "spiritual sword." Saint Paul says the Word of God is sharper than any sword, and the Rosary is, after all, the Bible on a set of beads. Join Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, as he shares his personal testimony of the life-changing power of this devotional prayer. Then be inspired by the story of Joni Seith, as she shows us how prayer and faith help her to persevere amid great suffering.

  • S01E103 Do Pets Go to Heaven?

    • August 31, 2023

    It's an age-old question, and there's no perfect answer. While the Church does not teach "dog-matically" that our beloved animals will or will not be in Heaven, some think they will be, as the Scriptures describe animals at peace in the new creation. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he shares both sides of the topic and gives thanks to God for the gift of our animal companions. Then be inspired by Canines for Christ, a healing ministry which connects therapy dogs with the infirm and homebound, with amazing results.

  • S01E104 Is Prayer Timeless?

    • September 7, 2023

    Is Prayer Timeless?

  • S01E105 Did Christ Require a Church?

    • September 14, 2023

    When people say, “I don’t need to go to church. I’m spiritual, I’m not into organized religion," remind them that Jesus Himself organized religion – the Catholic Church. Discover how, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus established the Church, giving His Apostles the authority to forgive sins and act in His Name. Then be inspired by former NFL quarterback Elvis Grbac as he shares the importance of the Church to him and his family.

  • S01E106 The Corporal Works of Mercy

    • September 21, 2023

    Catholicism teaches that we are only saved through God’s grace, but we must cooperate with that grace by living as “another Christ.” That means doing good – and a great way is through the Corporal Works of Mercy. Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the seven works of mercy in Scripture and shows how we can perform these in our daily lives. Then be inspired by the example of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability and its outreach to those in need.

  • S01E107 Guardian Angels

    • September 28, 2023

    The existence of angels is a dogma of our Catholic faith. And no one knows us better or loves us more than our Guardian Angel (it is perfect love), so you can always count on them. They are the guardians of our safety and salvation, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains, and they obtain for us the grace of final perseverance – if we are willing to cooperate with that grace. Then learn the amazing story of U.S. Coast Guard Chaplain Daniel Mode, who in his service to others, acts as a kind of guardian angel.

  • S01E108 Saint Francis

    • October 5, 2023

    He’s one of the most popular saints, especially for animal and bird lovers. Yet St. Francis of Assisi did not start out that way. He had an easy life, enjoyed the party scene, and even admitted, “I lived in great sin.” Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals Francis’ remarkable journey to sainthood. Then hear the story of Jennifer Hubbard. Her daughter died tragically in the Sandy Hook shooting, and Jennifer started a foundation in her memory because she adored animals, just like St. Francis.

  • S01E109 More on the Priesthood

    • October 12, 2023

    In the New Testament, St. Paul writes, “We have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God” (Heb 4:14). So, if Jesus is the Great High Priest once and for all, who, then, are Catholic priests? Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains how Christ established the priesthood, delegating His authority to forgive sins on earth to the Apostles and their successors (bishops and priests) down to the present day, known as Apostolic Succession. Then hear the story of Br. Gabriel, a Franciscan Friar who puts his faith and ministry on wheels – literally!

  • S01E110 The Life of a Marian Priest

    • October 19, 2023

    What does it mean to be a Marian Father of the Immaculate Conception? Father Chris Alar, MIC, and four of his brother priests share stories of their vocations. All have different ministries, but are all effective in their own way in spreading God's Divine Mercy. Then learn about the Hillybilly Thomists, a group of Dominican Friars who, in a ministry that is both entertaining and educational, inspire us to our Faith through music.

  • S01E111 Exorcism

    • October 26, 2023

    Demonic possessions are not simply the stuff of scary Hollywood movies. The devil is real, Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, reminds us, and the Rite of Exorcism is a specific and important ministry of the Catholic Church. Then join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, for a conversation with a well-known exorcist, Fr. Vincent Lampert, who explains how God and the Blessed Mother are central to overcoming any demonic influence.

  • S01E112 New Age Practices

    • November 2, 2023

    Having a laugh by reading a horoscope or a fortune cookie is not a mortal sin. However, taking such a horoscope seriously, or paying an astrologer to tell you your future, is sinful. Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the danger of using New Age practices like tarot cards, black magic, and witchcraft to discover the future. Then hear the amazing story of Lisa Fixler, who was tired of seeing all the demonic and occult images on children’s skateboards and decided to do something positive about it.

  • S01E113 The Bible: A Catholic Book?

    • November 9, 2023

    Our non-Catholic brethren often claim that our Catholic faith is not based on the Bible, and is even contrary to it. Not true, as Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains, sharing how the Catholic Church used her authority from Jesus Himself to put together the Bible as we know it today. Then hear the inspiring story of Ginny Schrappen and her prison pen pal, and how following the Bible transformed both of their lives.

  • S01E114 Theology of the Body

    • November 16, 2023

    What is Church teaching on when life begins? What does it mean to be a man? A woman? Can a man become a woman? Father Mark Baron, MIC, explains how the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II, called “Theology of the Body,” answers these questions and more. Then see how performance artist Mike Debus captures sacred images of the body on canvas right before your very eyes during his dramatic live presentations.

  • S01E115 The Teaching Mass, Part 1

    • November 23, 2023

    Jesus said, “Where two or three gather together in my name, there I am in their midst.” The Mass is the only perfect form of prayer because only at the Mass are our prayers, which are stained with sin, united to the perfect prayers of Jesus to the Father. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, for this first of three episodes as he walks us through the different parts of the Catholic Mass, learning why we say what we say and do what we do.

  • S01E116 The Teaching Mass, Part 2

    • November 30, 2023

    In this second of three episodes explaining the Mass, Fr. Chris Alar discusses the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We are invited into the Upper Room as the priest consecrates bread and wine into the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Find out why the Mass has more scripture than any Sunday Protestant Service.

  • S01E117 The Teaching Mass, Part 3

    • December 7, 2023

    In this third and final episode explaining the different parts of the holy sacrifice of the Catholic Mass, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, concludes the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the distribution of Holy Communion, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the sending forth of the faithful to share the abundance of graces received in the Mass.

  • S01E118 The Creed

    • December 14, 2023

    We proclaim the Nicene Creed at every Sunday Mass, starting with “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty.” Our God became one of us, which makes us different than any other religion in the world. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the different parts of what we call our Profession of Faith. Then hear the story of Fr. James Bors, a priest who through incredible tragedy was reminded that God is always with us.

  • S01E119 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    • December 21, 2023

    At Christmas time, we often think of gifts, both giving and receiving, but what we need to do is keep our minds focused and hearts focused on the most important gifts: the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals these gifts and also explains the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and what they are. Then enjoy a visit with actor Kevin Sorbo. You may know him as Hercules, but now he uses his God-given talents to act in and produce faith-based films, giving the gift of Christ to the world.

  • S01E120 The Beatitudes

    • December 28, 2023

    Like Moses, Jesus ascended on a mountain to bring a rule for living to the people. He showed them how to find permanent bliss that nothing can take away: not sickness, not poverty, nor persecution. These are the Beatitudes, and Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains their meaning and application in our daily lives. Then pay a visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin, a special place where Mary appeared and the Beatitudes came alive.

  • S01E121 Baptism of Jesus

    • January 4, 2024

    On Monday, January 8, 2024, we celebrate an incredibly important feast, the Baptism of Jesus, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Along with the Crucifixion, the Baptism is the event most accepted by scholars as indisputable historical fact. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains what this means for us today. Then hear the story of Fr. Dustin Feddon of Joseph House, who works with prisoners when they're released to get a new start in society.

  • S01E122 Is There Ever a Just War?

    • January 11, 2024

    With war waging in Europe between Russia and Ukraine, and in the Holy Land between Israel and Hamas, the evils of war are all around us. But war seems to go against Christianity and the Fifth Commandment, “Thou shall not kill.” Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains whether war can ever be justified in the eyes of the Church. Then hear the amazing story of Robert Gannon, who experienced the traumas and tragedies of war, but also the difficulty of living at home before and after.

  • S01E123 Contraception's link with Abortion

    • January 18, 2024

    Many people do not realize the connection between contraception and abortion, nor do they understand Church teaching as so many Catholics unfortunately use birth control. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he delves into the Marian archives for a video to understand anew why the Church teaches what she does about these very important topics. Then hear the amazing story of St. Clare's Home in South Carolina, where mothers facing an unexpected pregnancy or who feel there's no alternative to abortion find help and hope.

  • S01E124 Blessed George Matulaitis

    • January 25, 2024

    Get to know one of the great men of the Church, known to the Marian Fathers as “The Renovator”: Blessed George Matulaitis (1871-1927). Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, explains how, at the brink of extinction of the Marian Congregation, Blessed George rescued and revitalized the religious order which thrives today. Then hear the story of another great priest, Fr. Timothy Reid, a pastor in North Carolina. Like Blessed George, Fr. Timothy no idea what God had in store for him who he heard and answered the call to the priesthood.

  • S01E125 First Saturdays Devotion

    • February 1, 2024

    It is God's will for you to be a part of His mission to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. To accomplish this mission, God has given you personally two great spiritual weapons of our times: Mary and Jesus, the Divine Mercy. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he shares how God’s manifested mercy in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are our only way out of the mess the world is in today. Then join Fr. Chris in conversation with the Zannetti brothers, Gene and Fr. Gregory, on the importance of the First Saturday devotion and the message of Our Lady of Fatima to our world today.

  • S01E126 Blessed Michael Sopoćko

    • February 8, 2024

    Father Michael Sopoćko (1888-1975), now beatified by the Church, was the priest-confessor to St. Faustina and, as such, an incredible man of mercy. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he introduces this great theologian, the principal instrument that Our Lord used to fashion the soul of St. Faustina, and learn how he commissioned the very first Image of Divine Mercy. Then hear how the message of Divine Mercy has brought joy and hope to an autistic boy named Royce Guzman and his family.

  • S01E127 Ash Wednesday and St Valentine

    • February 15, 2024

    This year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell on the same day, Feb. 14, 2024. They have more in common than you might think. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the opening of the holy season of Lent, a time to think about God and not ourselves – similar to how we think about our Valentines and not ourselves. Then hear a great story about Camp Veritas, where teenagers learn to grow in virtue thanks to the message of Divine Mercy.

  • S01E128 Christian prophecy

    • February 22, 2024

    A lot of Christian prophecy is justified because we have prophecy in the Bible. Our Lady also brought us much prophecy in places like Fatima and Akita. But much is equivalent to crystal balls and fortune telling. Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, explains what to look for, as we all share in the prophetic mission of Christ as baptized Catholics and are called to share God’s Word, trusting in the teaching authority of the Church. Then watch a clip from the film, “Love and Mercy,” about the day Jesus first appeared to St. Faustina and gave her the pattern by which He wanted her to paint the Image we know today.

  • S01E129 Sacred Music

    • February 29, 2024

    One of the most beautiful things in the worship of Our Lord at Mass is music. Marian Postulant Austin explains how sacred music, the song and the language of the angels, is a gift from God that gives expression to the soul and dignifies ritual and worship. Then hear from "Floriani," a talented group of men who believe in the importance of fostering a rebirth in sacred music.

  • S01E130 Is "Woke" Christian

    • March 7, 2024

    All of us have heard the term “woke.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, woke originally meant “well-informed” or “up to date,” but now chiefly alerts us to racial or social discrimination and injustice. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explores the true meaning of “woke” and whether the Church rejects it or embraces it under the realm of Catholic social teaching. Then hear the story of Joe Kennedy, a high-school football coach who, because of wokeism, was fired for praying with his players. His case ended up going all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • S01E131 St. Patrick

    • March 14, 2024

    There are many legends surrounding St. Patrick, whose feast day is celebrated on March 17. But what is the real story? Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals how an extraordinary young priest brought Christianity to Ireland, and in doing so, inspired a movement that spread the Catholic faith throughout Europe. Then, as you think about celebrating St. Patrick's Day with corned beef and cabbage, hear about “Cooks with Collars,” priests who build community and spread God’s love, one recipe at a time.

  • S01E132 The Eucharist

    • March 21, 2024

    The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you” (Jn 6:53). Father Donald Calloway, MIC, reminds us that the Real Presence of Jesus in Holy Communion – the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord – is transformative, and so we must receive Him worthily, free from mortal sin. Then hear firsthand from individuals on the power of Eucharist in their lives, for it is in the Lord that we find our strength.

  • S01E133 Scientific Proof Of The Resurrection

    • March 28, 2024

    Surprisingly, many people still believe that Jesus was not actually crucified on a cross or suffered as much as we are told. What does the actual scientific proof say about it? What really happened to Jesus on the way to Calvary? Fr. Chris Alar explains.

  • S01E134 Living Divine Mercy TV Show

    • April 4, 2024

    Jesus told St. Faustina that Divine Mercy Sunday was mankind's last hope of salvation. Father Mark Baron, MIC, the new “Father Joseph” of the Association of Marian Helpers, explains what Divine Mercy Sunday is all about, and the special graces that can be obtained – an offer you truly can’t refuse! Then hear the inspirational story of a Colorado group who formed a prayer apostolate to bring the love of Jesus and devotion to the Blessed Mother, especially the Rosary, to residents in care communities and nursing facilities.

  • S01E135 St. Stanislaus The Padre Pio of Poland

    • April 11, 2024

    Our Marian Congregation was founded more than 350 years ago in Poland, the first community of religious men in that country and the first ever to bear the title of the Immaculate Conception. And it was all the work of our Founder, St. Stanislaus Papczyński. Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, tells the story of this extraordinary priest and the shining spiritual example that he is to us today. Then hear about the journey of a young man named Will Henry, whose faith and love of the Rosary inspired him to start a remarkable business.

  • S01E136 End of Life Issues

    • April 18, 2024

    All of us will have to face sooner or later end-of-life issues, either for ourselves or our loved ones. Many Catholics do not fully understand what this entails and what the Catholic Church teaches. Father Mark Baron, MIC, shares how the Church, through her moral teachings, can offer help and guidance in making the best decisions. Then hear the story of Emmaus Catholic Hospice, which provides authentic Catholic care to those at the end of their lives.

  • S01E137 Human Trafficking

    • April 25, 2024

    Human trafficking violates the sanctity, dignity, and fundamental rights of the human person. Pope Benedict XVI called it “a crime against humanity.” Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains how it’s the business of stealing someone's freedom for profit, and freedom is the most defining characteristic of the human person. Then hear the inspirational story of Metanoia Manor, a place that helps young girls recover from being victims of human trafficking.

  • S01E138 St. Joseph the Worker

    • May 2, 2024

    The first day of May is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the most important of all saints after the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Donald Calloway, MIC, explains how St. Joseph is the model of all who labor, and an inspiration to Catholic Social Teaching which counters movements that seek to strip people of their human dignity and eliminate God from the minds and hearts of families and nations. Then hear the amazing story of the Coakley family and how, even in tragedy, St. Joseph is always there to help us.

  • S01E139 Motherhood

    • May 9, 2024

    Jesus gave us the Church and the Mother of the Church, Mary, to get us to Heaven. Let’s fill Mother's Day with thanksgiving and gratitude for our mothers, both biological and spiritual, says Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, and also give thanks for the gift of Mary, our Spiritual Mother. Then hear the story of Voyage Comics, which publishes graphic novels about saints to guide young readers in the lessons of faith.

  • S01E140 Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

    • May 16, 2024

    Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the “Little Flower,” is one of the most popular and well-known Catholic Saints. She said her mission was to “make God loved as I love Him, to give my little way to souls.” Brother Ryan, MIC, explains this new spirituality which can supercharge our relationship with our Lord. Then hear the inspiring story of a group of high school students from Louisville, Kentucky, whose “St. Joseph of Arimathea Society” performs the corporal work of mercy of burying the dead.

  • S01E141 Is There Salvation Outside The Catholic Church

    • May 23, 2024

    One of the questions people ask, and many are confused about, is, “Do I need the Catholic Church for salvation?” The answer is both simple and complex. b reminds us that there is one way to salvation, and Jesus is that way; He keeps us on that narrow path that leads to Heaven through the one true Church. Then hear the inspiring story of Luke Kornet of the Boston Celtics, who after an injury realized it was time to make God and his Catholic faith a priority in his life.

  • S01E142 St. Joan of Arc

    • May 30, 2024

    There may be no medieval figure whose life is better documented than that of St. Joan of Arc, whose feast day we celebrate on May 30. Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals how God worked through a mere teenager, a real battlefield commander, to change the tide of history – and how she courageously accepted martyrdom rather than compromise her faith. Then hear the inspiring story of Project CURE, working tirelessly in Ukraine to bring vital supplies and medical assistance to those in need.

  • S01E143 Vocations

    • June 6, 2024

    We are all called by God to a vocation, whether to consecrated life and serving Him; to the single life; or to marriage – we are all called to holiness. Father Donald Calloway, MIC, explains what a vocation is, and how to hear God telling you what your vocation might be. Then hear the story of Burke Masters, who thought his vocation was to be a Major League baseball player, but then God threw him a curveball.

  • S01E144 Saint Anthony of Padua

    • June 13, 2024

    Saint Anthony of Padua is one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church. Father Chris Alar, MIC, shares his story and some of the many incredible miracles worked by this holy man. Then hear the story about the Good Samaritan Network, which, in the spirit of St. Anthony, is known for serving and feeding the poor.

  • S01E145 Is The Rosary Biblical

    • June 20, 2024

    Some people say the Rosary is not based on the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth, starting with the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke! Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals the mysteries of the Rosary found throughout the New Testament. Then hear the story of Fr. Eric Bergman and St. Thomas More Parish near Scranton, Pennsylvania, and how an entire town was transformed through the power of prayer.

  • S01E146 Saints Peter and Paul

    • June 27, 2024

    Saints Peter and Paul, whose feast day is June 29, are two heavyweights in the history of the Catholic Church. In fact, they were the original “Odd Couple”: one denied Christ after being chosen by Him, and the other was chosen by Christ after having denied Him. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains how the future saints had something powerful in common: both were transformed by encountering Christ, the Living God. Then hear the story of Emmaus Health Partners, a Catholic-centered medical practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan which puts human dignity at the center of their care.

  • S01E147 St. Maria Goretti

    • July 4, 2024

    July 6 is the feast day of one of the most inspirational – and youngest – saints in the history of the Catholic Church: St. Maria Goretti, only 11 years old when she was killed. Father Chris Alar, MIC says her example of forgiveness to her attacker has had – and still has – a profound impact. Then hear the powerful story of Frank Ramirez who also lost a daughter at a young age but believes the way in which she died is the workmanship of an all-good and all-loving God.

  • S01E148 Noah's Ark

    • July 11, 2024

    Everyone is familiar with the story in the book of Genesis about Noah, the ark, and the great flood that destroyed the world. But is the story true, and if so, how did it happen? Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains, revealing the underlying message of repentance and acceptance of God’s mercy. Then hear Archbishop Timothy Broglio, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, tell how he is steering the “ark” that is the Catholic Church in the United States.

  • S01E149 St. Mary Magdalene And The Da Vinci Code

    • July 18, 2024

    In Jesus’ day, women had no social status and were often assigned inferior roles. But the women who accompanied Jesus were happy to serve quietly and gave generously out of their resources. Key among them was Mary Magdalene (feast day: July 22). Father Chris Alar, MIC, shares the story of this future saint and how the notorious novel The Da Vinci Code got it so wrong. Then hear the incredible story of Courtney who, in her short life and amid terrible suffering, was a constant witness to love and the Face of Christ.

  • S01E150 Ignatian Spirituality

    • July 25, 2024

  • S01E151 Healing the Family Tree

    • August 1, 2024

    We hear a lot these days about “Generational Healing” and “Healing the Family Tree.” No Magisterial document of the Catholic Church promotes this concept. Does that mean we have to reject it, or can it help us in our family struggles? Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains. Then hear the story of Sheila Terry and the Franciscan Friars of the Gila River Indian Reservation Segment in Arizona, which shows how healing is God's desire for us.

  • S01E152 Breaking Soul Ties

    • August 8, 2024

    Have you ever wondered why some people can't seem to stop thinking about their first love, even though decades have passed? Or why certain addictions seem to run in certain families? Or why you just can't heal from that childhood trauma or abuse? Father Chris Alar, MIC, suggests a “soul tie,” or spiritual attachment to another, may be present, and offers solutions. Then hear the story of Andrew Comiskey of Desert Stream Living Waters Ministry, a perfect example of effectively breaking sinful soul ties of the past.

  • S01E153 St. Maximilian Kolbe

    • August 15, 2024

    On Aug. 14, we celebrate the feast of one of the greatest Marian saints in the history of the Catholic Church: St. Maximilian Kolbe. He was killed at Auschwitz when he volunteered to take the place of one man, a husband and a father, who had been chosen for execution. Father Donald Calloway, MIC, shares the story of this remarkable saint, a Martyr of Charity and a Knight of the Holy Rosary. Then hear the story of Redbird Ministries, a grief support group that provides healing to those who have lost loved ones to suicide.

  • S01E154 Queenship, or Coronation, of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • August 22, 2024

    In Christian tradition, the Trinity was often depicted as placing a crown on Mary's head. This is why the Catholic Church celebrates the Memorial of the Queenship, or Coronation, of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Aug. 22. Father Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the biblical foundations for the feast for the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Then hear from Fr. Roger Landry and his group on their remarkable walking pilgrimage to the recent National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • S01E155 The Crusades

    • August 29, 2024

    The Crusades are one of the greatest “black eyes” in the history of the Catholic Church, but also one of the most misunderstood events. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explores the history and considers whether the “just war” theory is applicable. Then hear the inspiring story of Bob and Maureen Digan, who were instrumental in the canonization of St. Faustina.

  • S01E156 Mother Teresa

    • September 5, 2024

    Few saints have changed the world in the modern age more than St. Teresa of Calcutta, affectionally known as Mother Teresa. In honor of her feast day on Sept. 5, Fr. Andy Davy, MIC, shares Mother’s works of mercy, her love for helping the poorest of the poor, and her beautiful spirituality. Then hear the amazing story of a Brazilian man whose miraculous healing led to Mother Teresa’s canonization.

  • S01E157 Our Lady of Sorrows

    • September 12, 2024

    September is the month of Our Lady of Sorrows, also called Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains why the feast, celebrated on Sept. 15, is one of the most popular Marian feasts in the Catholic Church. Then hear the story of Daniel Hidalgo, who struggled with sin in his life but ultimately found redemption through the sorrow of the Cross.

  • S01E158 Forming one’s conscience

    • September 19, 2024

    Forming one’s conscience is critically important and a vital part of our Catholic faith. Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, explains the hows and whys and notes the importance of education and good judgment. Then, in honor of the feast day of St. Padre Pio on Sept. 23, hear from Vera Marie Calandra, who experienced healing as a baby from Padre Pio himself.

  • S01E159 Suicide and Deliverance

    • September 26, 2024

    September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and Father Mark Baron, MIC, discusses the spiritual warfare that is often at the heart of suicidal ideation and what can be done about it. He is then joined by Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, and Dr. Matthew Breuninger for a conversation on the vital role of faith in mental health therapy.