Guest analysts: Officer Jake Morris and Chief Randy Fandal of the Slidell (LA) Police Department Departments and officers featured include: Williamson County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Lt. Grayson Kennedy & Det. Mark Luera), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & Dep. Brandon Simmons), Franklin County (OH) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Josh Crosby & Dep. James McCoy & K9 Riddick), Warwick (RI) Police Department (Ofc. Jill Marshall & Ofc. TJ Tavares), Slidell (LA) Police Department (Ofc. Brad Peck & Ofc. Cyle Laferrara), Salinas (CA) Police Department (Ofc. Mike Muscutt & Ofc. Tyler Provost), Oklahoma Highway Patrol (Tpr. Micah Freeman & Tpr. Ryan Smith), and Greene County (MO) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Kyle Winchell & Dep. Morgan Rudderham with K9 Athos).