A global expedition to spotlight the astonishing abilities of tiny animals begins in the Mexican desert as Bradley Trevor Greive and Billy Almon track down and test the jaw-dropping, almost supernatural abilities of the giant horned lizard.
In the arid scrubland of Tinaja, New Mexico, Bradley and Billy track down the giant scolopendra centipede. Armed with venomous claws, it's a relentless killer.
The team scours the Sonoran Desert for North America's mightiest mouse: the carnivorous grasshopper mouse. An impressive vertical leap, size-defying bite, and bone-shaking howl allow this rodent to transform into a vicious scorpion killer at night.
Bradley and Billy are hunting for dragons deep in the Thailand rainforest. The flying dragon rules the jungle canopy, and the team hope to discover how this lizard's ability to glide has enabled it to dominate its environment for 250 million years.
After a harrowing search in a South African cave, the team tracks down the elusive, spine-chilling tailless whip scorpion. When they test its lethal attributes, they quickly discover that this supreme nocturnal predator is a real life nightmare.
Deep in the jungles of Madagascar, Bradley and Billy discover a creature unlike anything else on Earth: the tomato frog. In their mobile lab, they discover the frog's astonishing abilities from a toxic force field to a self-inflating body.
Bradley and Billy are recruited to capture an escaped sugar glider, a cute Australian marsupial that's running amok in California, but as they test the alien's abilities, the cuddly creature's predatory skills prove that looks can be very deceiving.
The team heads to South Africa to track down the Cape mole rat, a mammal with a vicious bite, as Bradley soon discovers. Bradley and Billy test the mole rat's bite force, incredible senses and supreme digging ability to reveal why it is king of the dirt.
Bradley and Billy are in the Mojave Desert, California, to find the bombardier beetle. When attacked or agitated, it releases a hot, noxious chemical spray.
In Mozambique, the team track down the deadly devil's flower mantis. Virtually invisible, it resembles a tropical flower and is covered in daggers and hooks.
The team search for a nocturnal predator in the jungles of Laos. Covered in toxic barbs, the virtually indestructible crocodile newt can re-grow its limbs and tail.