Riki, der nun das Geheimnis dieser Welt kennt, nimmt Rin an der Hand und rennt los. Jetzt gibt es kein Zurück mehr. Als Riki an seine Freunde denkt, fühlt er, wie sein Herz entzweigerissen wird. Dann breitet sich ein Anblick der Verzweiflung vor den beiden aus...
Riki and Rin awaken in the real world and reminisce that during their field trip, their bus got into an accident and Masato and Kengo used their own bodies to protect them. Despite injured, they flee from the site of the accident to avoid being caught in the impending explosion but after reaching a safe distance, Riki leaves Rin behind to return and attempt to help the others. However, he starts suffering another attack of narcolepsy and struggles to keep himself awake. Meanwhile, Rin has a meeting with Komari and the other girls in spirit and wishing to not part ways with them, she decides to look for a way to save them as well.
린과 함께 현실세계로 돌아온 리키. 눈앞에 펼쳐진 현실은 처참하기 그지 없었다.
리키는 우선 린을 안전한 곳으로 대피시킨 후 쿄스케의 뜻을 거슬러 모두를 구하기로 결심하는데...