Rikis Morgen beginnt mit dem Gefühl, etwas Wichtiges in seinem Traum vergessen zu haben. Als er benommen durch den Tag taumelt, gesteht ein gewisses Mädchen ihm seine Liebe. Als Kyousuke die Neuigkeiten hört, erzählt er Riki, dass auch Rin eine Liebeserklärung von einem Drittklässler bekommen hat. Aus unerklärlichen Gründen schockiert diese Tatsache Riki. Als er später mit Rin redet, nimmt er sie ganz anders wahr als gewöhnlich. Als er seinen Mut zusammennimmt, um sie nach dem Jungen zu Fragen, der ihr seine Liebe gestanden hat, schlägt Rin etwas vor, das er niemals erwartet hätte...
While thinking about what Yuiko said to him, Riki is approached by a girl who confesses her feelings for him, but claims that she knows he already likes someone else and flees. Wondering what she meant, Rin's image come to Riki's mind, and upon learning what happened, Kyousuke reveals that a third-year student had also confessed to Rin, but he helped her decline him. Later that day, Rin asks Riki to help her buy some cat food and on the way back, she suggests they start dating and Riki agrees after confirming that she likes him. Riki has trouble trying tell Kyouske about it the next day, but Kyousuke claims that he already knew about it. Riki and Rin later tell the rest of the Little Busters, who congratulate them, but Riki chases after Rin after she runs away embarrassed. The white cat Lennon brings them another mysterious letter telling them that they have one final task to do before "learning the truth of the world", which is to "volunteer themselves during homeroom".
또다시 무엇인가를 잃어버린 듯한 기묘하고 안타까운 감정과 함께 잠에서 깨어난 리키.
그렇게 멍하니 있던 리키에게 한 명의 소녀가 다가와 사랑을 고백을 했는데...
그 고백은 지금까지 멈춰있던 두 명의 소꿉친구의 관계를 크게 진전시키는 계기가 된다.