Kud weiht Riki in einen Brauch einer antiken Insel ein als sie sich an die Zeit erinnert, die sie mit ihrer Mutter verbracht hat.
After another training session, the Little Busters join up to clean their clubroom. Later in the night, Riki comes across Kudryavka and assists her with a traditional ritual of her country, Tevua, which was once part of the Soviet Union. During the ritual, Kudryavka tells Riki about her mother and how she spent little time with her as she was preparing herself to become an astronaut. Kudryavka also tells him that her name comes Laika, a Soviet space dog who became the first animal to orbit the Earth. When the day finally comes for her mother to launch into space, Riki goes to look for Kudryavka to watch it on TV with her. When he finds her outside, she feels that it is better not to watch it as her own manner of wishing good luck. However, Riki and Kudryavka later learn that the rocket exploded on launch, and that mission control has lost contact with Kudryavka's mother.
쿠드랴프카라는 이름의 뜻을 들은 리키는 그 이름이 쿠드와 매우 잘 어울린다고 생각한다.
그리고 별이 내리는 어느 날 밤, 리키는 우연히 쿠드의 신비한 의식을 보게 되는데...
남십자자리의 이야기와 함께 쿠드는 우주비행사인 어머니에 관해 말하기 시작한다.
棒球的联系,活动室的扫除等,这些过得相当充实的Little Busters!成员们,依旧如往日。在这之中,通过库特爱犬名字的由来,让众人对库特的一些过去有了些许了解。晚上,理树在中庭发现了库特的身影。库特为了本国咒语传达仪式的完成,邀请了理树来帮忙。在满天星空下,只属于2人的秘密仪式开始了……