Yuuta Segawa starts his first year in college. He meets second year Raika Oda under unusual circumstances thanks to Sako and Nimura of the Street Observation Research Society. Meanwhile, Yuuta bumped into Raika again had a uneasy conservation with her and as she left he starts to have a crush on her. After joining the Street Observation Research Society for 3 months, he meets up with his sister and misinterpreted him with seeing Raika. His sister asked him to visit Sunday to see her kids. However, it turned out into a babysitting task for the kids while they are out for awhile which his sister neglected to say. His conversation with his nieces were quite awkward.
신입생 환영회 때 필름이 끊긴 유타를 몰아붙이는 한 남자 선배. 하지만 피해자를 자처하는 미인 선배는 왠지 발연기 느낌이 나고...신입 확보 작전이었음이 뽀록난 덕에 무사히 노상 관찰 연구회라는 괴이한 서클에서 탈출하게 된다.
Yuuta Segawa starts his first year in college. He meets second year Raika Oda under unusual circumstances thanks to Sako and Nimura of the Street Observation Research Society. Meanwhile, Yuuta bumped into Raika again had a uneasy conservation with her and as she left he starts to have a crush on her. After joining the Street Observation Research Society for 3 months, he meets up with his sister and misinterpreted him with seeing Raika. His sister asked him to visit Sunday to see her kids. However, it turned out into a babysitting task for the kids while they are out for awhile which his sister neglected to say. His conversation with his nieces were quite awkward.