Kaho dreams of a blooming high school life. However, the Hasunosora Jogakuin she enrolled in was far from what she had imagined. One day, she meets Kozue from the School Idol Club...
After her first live show with Kozue, Kaho took her first step as a school idol. Encouraged by Sayaka, she decided to try streaming on the app "Sukukone".
Upon hearing Kaho's declaration to become the best school idol in the world, Kozue puts Kaho through intense training for the upcoming event in Kanazawa.
Sayaka was thrilled by Kaho and Kozue's impressive performance at the event, but Tsuzuri, who was watching the stage beside her, seemed somewhat different...?
After the live show with Sayaka, Tsuzuri started trying to express her feelings in words. Meanwhile, Sayaka began to feel anxious about the gap in performance between herself and Tsuzuri.
Sayaka is enjoying her fulfilling days as a school idol, but she still hasn't fully come to terms with figure skating. Yet, the competition is just around the corner this weekend.
Kaho and Sayaka are tasked by their seniors to write a newspaper article to promote activities for the "Nadeshiko Festival." They work hard to meet the expectations placed on them...
Kozue’s condition for performing at the Nadeshiko Festival with four members was to include a fateful song in the setlist. They started intense training to ensure the performance’s success, but...
A new member from California has joined!? Shortly after transferring, Rurino joins the School Idol Club, but it seems she has a secret...
After many twists and turns, Rurino finally joins the club. She had dreamed of being a School Idol with her childhood friend, Megumi Fujishima, a second-year student, but Megumi had disappeared from the club.