• TheTVDB.com Season ID 2049728
  • Created February 25, 2023
  • Modified May 17, 2023
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Seneca - ''On Providence''
The Great Courses
S01E02 The Gospel of John
The Great Courses
S01E03 Boethius, Martin Luther King - Conscience
The Great Courses
S01E04 Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
The Great Courses
S01E05 Elie Wiesel - Night
The Great Courses
S01E06 Schweitzer - Out of My Life and Thought
The Great Courses
S01E07 Goethe - The Sufferings of Young Werther
The Great Courses
S01E08 Shakespeare - Hamlet
The Great Courses
S01E09 Sophocles - Ajax
The Great Courses
S01E10 Plato - Epistle VII
The Great Courses
S01E11 Cicero - ''On Old Age''
The Great Courses
S01E12 Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Penitent
The Great Courses
S01E13 Euripides - Alcestis
The Great Courses
S01E14 Euripides - Medea
The Great Courses
S01E15 Von Strasburg - Tristan and Isolde
The Great Courses
S01E16 Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra
The Great Courses
S01E17 Shakespeare - Macbeth
The Great Courses
S01E18 Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
The Great Courses
S01E19 Homer - Odyssey
The Great Courses
S01E20 Sophocles - Philoctetes
The Great Courses
S01E21 The Song of Roland - Chivalric Adventure
The Great Courses
S01E22 Nibelungenlied - Chivalric Romance
The Great Courses
S01E23 Lewis and Clark - Journals
The Great Courses
S01E24 T. E. Lawrence - Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Great Courses
S01E25 Aristophanes - Comedies
The Great Courses
S01E26 Menander - The Grouch
The Great Courses
S01E27 Machiavelli - La Mandragola
The Great Courses
S01E28 Erasmus - In Praise of Folly
The Great Courses
S01E29 Thomas More - Utopia
The Great Courses
S01E30 George Orwell - Animal Farm
The Great Courses
S01E31 Josephus - History of the Jewish War
The Great Courses
S01E32 Joseph Addison - Cato
The Great Courses
S01E33 George Washington - Farewell Address
The Great Courses
S01E34 Abraham Lincoln, George Patton - War
The Great Courses
S01E35 Theodore Roosevelt - An Autobiography
The Great Courses
S01E36 The Wisdom of Great Books
The Great Courses

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