Cycles of Power explores the political evolution of John Howard. His longest-serving Chief of Staff, Arthur Sinodinos speaks of the hurdles Howard had to overcome, including a lack of both elite connections and natural charisma, offset by patience, tenacity and ferocious ambition. As we watch Howard’s punishing 20-year journey towards the Prime Ministership in 1996, we see the lessons he’s learning and can then watch the strategies he adopts to maintain power and maximize success.
“Howard was very much aware of politics being a battle of ideas. And it extended to Australia’s identity and sense of itself… There was, in a sense, a tacit struggle for the hearts & minds of Australia.” Dr David Kemp, John Howard Cabinet 1996-2004. John Howard’s values and beliefs were established early in life. When he became Prime Minister he was determined to reclaim the Australian narrative from the Left and realize his vision of the nation. In Hearts and Minds we examine this vision: its origins and objectives, the strategies to achieve it and its impact on the society and people.
Part three examines the role of international events and relationships in the government’s success. It explores the paradox of how an essentially domestic politician, uncomfortable on the world stage, achieves electoral success and secures his self-belief through foreign affairs and border control issues. We see the emotional attachment Howard has for Australia’s military history and his growing success in the encouragement of Australian nationalism and promotion of the flag.