Lag, having glimpsed into Gauche's heart, comes to know about his dream to be chosen for the highest title the Bee's that work in the capital can obtain, Head Bee, and that he will soon be transferred there, a first step toward that dream. Nearing the end of their journey, one day before reaching their destination Lag and Gauche get in a fight after Lag asks Gauche to take him with him to the capital so he can search for his mother. Angry, Lag takes off with Gauche's shindanjuu and hurries along by himself, but wanders into Gaichuu territory without realizing it and falls into a trap.
Lag, Gauche y Roda continúan su viaje. Lag comienza a calentarse a Gauche y Roda, pero todavía tiene la intención de encontrar a su madre y le pregunta Gauche para traerlo a lo largo de Akatsuki si se convierte en la cabeza de la abeja.