Seo Jae Geun tells Tae Seok everything from how he got involved with Eun Seon Jae and her foster parents to how he has recently ended up with making a false statement. Meanwhile, Detective Chae is asked to wear a microphone without telling his team members so that the Internal Affairs Team can secretly record and investigate what Tae Seok is up to.
드디어 선재 양부모 사망 사건의 실마리가 풀린다!
한 꺼풀씩 진실의 씨앗이 모습을 드러낼 때마다 태석은 고통스러워지는데..
자신의 신념과 지난날의 과오 사이에 선 태석의 마지막 선택은..?