This workout is low in complexity but high in intensity, as it introduces you to the basic LES MILLS COMBAT combination moves. It may be short... but it packs a serious punch.
High Intensity Interval (HIIT) uses short bursts of maximum effort followed by recovery to push you into metabolic and muscle-conditioning overload, getting you fighter-fit fast.
Every Martial Arts expert know that strength and power generate from the core. This workout uses the very best isolation exercises to give you the ultimate core strength whil chiseling and shredding a serious six-pack.
Katas are Martial Arts training methods that develop technique and flow. Combine speed and power with cross-training for complete calorie scorching.
Uses propulsion exercises to improve athletic power and endurance, pushing you into peak performance mode. This workout is the ultimate body shot!
Challenge your endurance and push your body to the outer limits of fitness with a high-repitition sequence of moves that will have your muscles firing on all cylinders.
Strengthen and tone your upper body through progressive overload training. An unrelenting workout that combines weighted moves with body-resistance moves to seriously sculpt and define your biceps, triceps, shoulders, core, and back.
Strengthen and lengthen your entire lower body - hips, thighs, buns, calves, and core - with this combination of athletic / Mixed Martial Arts trianing workout. Say goodbye to any jiggle south of the border.
A hard-driving blend of all the martial arts featured in the LES MILLS COMBAT programs. Interval-based training pushes you for an all-out effort to take you into your most inense training zones.
The Basics will introduce you to the foundation of the LES MILLS COMBAT workouts. You will learn the techniques of each specific Martial Arts discipline, as well as the various guards and stance that you will use throughout all the LES MILLS COMBAT workouts.