• TheTVDB.com Season ID 1998983
  • Created May 3, 2022
  • Modified April 20, 2023
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Welcome to the French-Speaking World
The Great Courses
S01E02 Ici, on parle français: French Is Spoken Here
The Great Courses
S01E03 French around the World
The Great Courses
S01E04 Francophone Towns and Villages
The Great Courses
S01E05 Weather, Seasons, and Some Geography
The Great Courses
S01E06 La Vie en France: Life in France
The Great Courses
S01E07 Vacations and Leisure Activities
The Great Courses
S01E08 À table: Daily Meals
The Great Courses
S01E09 Buying Groceries
The Great Courses
S01E10 Where to Eat
The Great Courses
S01E11 The Life of the Traveler
The Great Courses
S01E12 Public Transportation
The Great Courses
S01E13 Travel and Technology
The Great Courses
S01E14 Souvenirs de voyage
The Great Courses
S01E15 Les Vêtements: How and Why to Dress
The Great Courses
S01E16 The Home and Private Spaces
The Great Courses
S01E17 Je fais des progrès en français!
The Great Courses
S01E18 La Musique, le théâtre et la danse
The Great Courses
S01E19 La Littérature et le cinéma
The Great Courses
S01E20 L’Art et les artistes
The Great Courses
S01E21 Le Patrimoine: Museums
The Great Courses
S01E22 Le Patrimoine: Customs
The Great Courses
S01E23 Le Patrimoine: Places to Visit
The Great Courses
S01E24 Le Tourisme et les régions
The Great Courses
S01E25 Les Fêtes et les festivals
The Great Courses
S01E26 Underlying Cultural Values
The Great Courses
S01E27 Aventures: Conversation
The Great Courses
S01E28 Aventures: Telling a Story
The Great Courses
S01E29 Aventures: Reading Cultures
The Great Courses
S01E30 Your Future with French
The Great Courses

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