Lawrence's parents always wanted him to be a doctor. He comes from a family of high achievers. Despite not being a doctor, he's happy. He is a stand -up comedian who has travelled the world, entertained people and had a good time. Maybe it's time to see what it's like though, to be the person his parents always wanted him to be. Lawrence tracks down his Google nemesis - a Google nemesis is someone who appears in competition with you when you do a google search of your own name - Dr Lawrence Leung, a famous haematologist from Stanford University near San Francisco. The two Lawrence Leungs have been battling for the top Google ranking for a decade. After trying out a few things from Dr Leung's doctor's life - lecturing a class of undergraduate students, walking hospital halls, and playing golf, Lawrence realises that the doctor's life is not for him. Lawrence then seeks further inspiration by wanting to meet his ultimate hero - MacGyver. He visits the homes in LA where MacGyver lived in the TV series. Despite his best MacGyver skills he has no luck. Lawrence meets Lee David Zlotoff, the creator of the MacGyver television series. Lawrence gets some great advice from Lee David Zlotoff about life and heroes, and they fire a replica of the homemade crossbow Lawrence made in 4th grade out over the glistening Pacific Ocean. Back home in Australia, Lawrence decides to find the true heroes who inspired him to become who he is today - and vanquish once and for all his childhood and false icons in a blaze of glory, literally. His adventures have taken some strange twists and turns, but his final quest - to find total peace in himself and a sappy moral to tie up the series - has been successful.