Your first mentoring session is under an hour in length, but it contains insights and processes that have taken us a lifetime to learn. It’s highly compressed wisdom, so give yourself plenty of time and space to integrate it fully.View Mentoring Session 1 Learning GuideSupplemental material: The Persona Interview
In this second mentoring session you’ll learn some amazing new things. As you learn them, you’ll begin to feel very differently in your mind and body. You’ll feel more ease in your body and more ease in your mind. As a result, your relationships will get easier. That’s a good thing.Remember the three attitudes that help you learn the material and integrate it into your life: Curiosity, wonder and loving yourself as you learn.View Mentoring Session 2 Learning GuideSupplemental material: Blame Talk Vs. Lasting Love Talk worksheet
The third mentoring session is largely experiential — activities that are done inside yourself or outside in practical steps. The experiential activities are a crucial aspect of this program, and we urge you to do them mindfully and thoroughly. Each minute you devote to doing the practices and carrying out the suggestions will pay off handsomely in improving the quality of your life and relationships.View Mentoring Session 3 Learning Guide
Whether you’re single or with a partner, you are likely to have some struggles around sex and money. Our goal is to help you end the struggle so you can have exactly what you want in the areas of sex and money.Since the changes you want to make in your relationships are big, it’s good to renew your commitments from time to time.View Mentoring Session 4 Learning GuideSupplemental material: Heart Talk
This mentoring session is an opportunity to think deeply about perhaps the most important aspect of living. First, think about this: Has anybody ever asked you, "What do you really want in a relationship?"It's amazing, isn't it, that you can go through your entire education without anyone asking you a question like that? We don't remember ever being asked to think for even ten seconds about one of the most important aspects of life.
How do you most like to be appreciated? This sixth session will give you the chance to delve into your feelings about appreciation.You can interview yourself about the body sensations that let you know you are expanding your capacity to receive appreciation. About how your partner expresses appreciation, when you need appreciation, what aspects of yourself do you wish were appreciated more. What could you do to be open to more appreciation, how often is appreciation expressed in your relationship, and more.View Mentoring Session 6 Learning GuideSupplemental material:A Month's Menu of AppreciationA Month's Menu of Self-AppreciationParenting Appreciations
The Persona Interview is perhaps the most user-friendly process in this program. We adopt personas in our life as ways, sometimes, to “defend” ourselves, but over time these personas can get in the way of being ourselves and can serve as unwelcome intermediaries in our relationships.In this brief segment, Kathlyn and Gay demonstrate the Persona Interview and how to use it to best advantage.After viewing the video you can download The Persona Interview here.
The Heart Talk Process that you'll find on this video is designed to support your easy resolution of differences that arise in relationships. It will build your skill at committing, communicating easily and opening up more appreciation for you and your partner as you deepen your love.Supplemental material: The Heart Talk worksheet