Henry, Ben, and Marcus discuss The Phoenix Serial Shooter, axe attacks, and feeder-gainers. Plus, Henry puts Ben on notice.
Ben, Henry, and Marcus discuss chihuahua poltergeists, disinformation, an FSU cannibal (Go 'Noles!), and what God does when he hurts his back. Plus, Ben is still on notice.
Marcus, Ben, and Henry discuss The Goat Man, Turkish Aliens, Randy Quaid, and sweet beautiful radiant boys. Ben is put on notice.
Henry, Ben, and Marcus discuss South American goblins, Ben’s gay brother, and why face-eating frat boys make the best rappers. Plus, Henry puts Ben on notice.
Ben, Henry, and Marcus discuss evil clown sightings, Saudi flying horses, the Museum of Menstration, and 9/11 mattresses. Ben is put on notice.
Ben, Marcus, and Henry discuss juggalo blood rituals, gang stalking, screaming frogs, and cartoons farting on each other. Plus, Ben is put on notice.
A taco, a genie, and a guy with no scalp discuss dirt-road devils, their new, robot lady-friend, and Halloween. Plus, someone's getting adopted.
The boys discuss child prostitution in our government, the Podesta emails, farting in cars, and making love to robots. Ben is put on notice.
The boys discuss serial killer amazon reviews, queefing, and settle the debate of which is better: Heathcliffe or Garfield? Henry is freed from free speech jail.
The boys discuss French astronaut suicides, a grave digger who dug his own grave, and who they'd have sex with on Fraser. Kissel starts his 2017 NYC mayoral run with more apologies.
The boys discuss a Thanksgiving that ended in murder, how to make your own tinfoil hat, and watch the fat man use hand farts to play Queen. Kissel is roasted by Garfield.
The boys discuss the far reaches of the Mandella Effect, a secret, spooky building in the middle of Manhattan, and watch a magician set a bird on fire. Ben is put back on notice.
The boys spread holiday cheer with talk of Shaolin monk genital strength and Macaque monkey marriage proposals. Marcus receives a very lively call from an Arkansas admirer. And Alex Jones saves Christmas.
The boys talk about the magic of furries, PLANET X, and celebrate Friday the 13th. Everyone gets aboard the Trump train.
The boys discuss the newly released dossier of classified CIA documents, the dangers of weed, and licking bum bums. We all learn the real meaning of "Chicago deep dish."
The boys talk about the wonders of pregnancy, find more evidence for the existence of Bigfoot, and learn about the dangers of porn from Ted Bundy. The callers seem lost and confused.
The boys take calls but the phones break down. The boys don't! Many people ask them about their behavior in a three way with each other.
The boys discuss the proper way to do a call in show, lobster boy asmr, and the next step in human evolution. Henry had too much coffee.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus's torrid affair is taken to sensual, new depths while Ben broods in the darkness, plotting his revenge.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus explore each other in front of a live audience while Ben consults his brother, the world’s largest gay man, on affairs of the darker sex.
Tonight on Last Stream, it’s all honeymooning for Henry and Marcus as the petting gets heavier while Ben seeks solace in the arms of their manservant, Titties.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus's carnal cravings cannot be contained as the whirlwind of their sex drives Ben from the studio and, possibly, from their lives forever.
Tonight on Last Stream, after a heated debate, Henry and Marcus choose ‘Manry’ as their couple name, and their manservant, Titties, coaxes Ben back into the studio.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus prepare for Easter with a second coming of their own, and the manservant, Titties, learns of a deep, dark secret Ben is desperate to keep.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus use viewer feedback to develop a new safeword (spoiler alert: it’s ‘peaches’), and Ben’s passion runs so ragged that their manservant, Titties, ends up in the hospital.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus make a blind boy’s dreams come true by allowing him to feel one of their explosive, erotic entanglements, and Ben announces his mayoral campaign over the warnings of their manservant, Titties.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry lubes Marcus’s anal cavity in preparation for their upcoming Webby award, and Ben meets his rival in the mayoral campaign, the devilish Dickies. But will Dickies also rival Titties for Ben’s fleeting love?
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus host a live, 72 hour love-making telethon to raise funds for Ben’s mayoral campaign, while Dickies pumps their manservant, Titties, for information, among other things…
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus reach an agreement with The Louvre to exhibit their lovemaking inside their famous glass pyramid, while the devilish Dickies confronts Ben about the terrible secret he learned from Titties, who has now gone missing.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus are roughly wrenched from their raucous romp as the search for their manservant, Titties, intensifies, and the devilish Dickies exposes the truth about Ben's past and the truth about Ben's emotions.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus’s dirty dealings are disrupted by the discovery of their Manservant, Titties, clinging to life at the bottom of a bog, and on the eve of the mayoral vote, the devilish Dickies ambushes Ben at his campaign’s abandoned headquarters for one final confrontation.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry and Marcus tenderly nurse their manservant, Titties, back to health, but can their love bring back his lost memories? Meanwhile, Ben’s tussle with the devilish Dickies climaxes on the Brooklyn Bridge where Ben thrusts Dickies into the depths below, but can the current sweep away the truth?
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry, Marcus, and Ben celebrate Ben's come-from-behind mayoral victory in the traditional New York fashion – with a politicians-only orgy on the historic Governors Island, where everyone gets to come from behind, and in the piers beneath the Brooklyn Bridge, a body washes up by the docks.
Tonight on Last Stream, in his first act as mayor, Ben authorizes the welding of his face onto the Statue of Liberty, and Henry and Marcus start a lovemaking live-stream to raise funds. Meanwhile, as their manservant, Titties, recovers from amnesia, a new arrival is wheeled into his hospital room – the Devilish Dickies!
Tonight on Last Stream, Ben risks his relationship with Henry and Marcus as he tightens his iron grip on New York's soft, pink throat. Meanwhile, Dickies and Titties meet for the first time since one left the other to die, but without a memory between them, will the two decide to make new memories together?
Tonight on Last Stream, Ben’s political climb has caught the attention of a powerful man, and the shadows whisper to him about a new opportunity, one that could end his relationship with Henry and Marcus permanently. Meanwhile, when Titties takes a turn for the worse, Dickies determines to heal him, even if he has to pump him full of fluids personally.
Tonight on Last Stream, Dickies' passionate pumping has breathed new life down Titties' taut throat, and Ben sneaks out of Henry and Marcus's annual Orgy for the Orphans fundraiser to meet a mysterious new benefactor known only as – The Fish.
Tonight on Last Stream, as Titties sucks down new life, old memories come flooding into him as well. Meanwhile, The Fish guides Ben deeper into a sticky ocean of muck.
Tonight on Last Stream, as Titties remembers the horrors the still mentally-impaired Dickies inflicted upon him, he must decide what matters more: his old memories or his new emotions. Meanwhile, The Fish councils Ben on driving a wedge between Henry and Marcus, so that he can insert himself.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties chooses the present over the past, but as he embraces the reborn version of the man who hurt him so, a twinkle comes in the eye of the Devilish Dickies. Was this part of his nefarious plan all along? Meanwhile, The Fish’s guidance has thrust Ben between Henry and Marcus, opening a rift that only Ben can fill, but whose rift will he fill?
Tonight on Last Stream, unbeknownst to Titties, the Devilish Dickies has regained his memories and his malice, and now Dickies is poised to swallow him whole. Meanwhile, to help Ben decide between Henry and Marcus, The Fish strips Ben to his truest self, but as The Fish shows Ben who he really is, the question remains – who is The Fish?
Tonight on Last Stream, as the Devilish Dickies continues have his way with Titties and constrict him deeper into a corner, Ben takes all of Marcus for himself, leaving Henry furious, forlorn, and forgotten – which is exactly where The Fish wanted him.
Tonight on Last Stream, the Devilish Dickies reveals himself to Titties who finds himself confined in a cage of his own construction. Meanwhile, as Ben cleanses Marcus of any trace of Henry, The Fish seeps his tentacles deeper into Henry’s recesses.
Tonight on Last Stream, as Dickies continues to play with his food, Ben and Marcus take their relationship public with a buxom broadcast on Broadway. Meanwhile, after finally breaking in Henry, The Fish reveals to him his true identity.
Tonight on Last Stream, Henry’s sister, Jackmeister, abandons her self-imposed exile to confront Ben about manipulating Marcus into betrayal, and now that The Fish has revealed to Henry that he is none other than Adult Swim Digital Head, Matt Harrigan, what does the future hold for the boys and their tenuous show?
Tonight on Last Stream, having disposed of Jackmeister, Ben returns to seep his tentacles deeper into the folds of Marcus’s mind. Meanwhile, as The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) continues to reveal his plan and his self to Henry, Titties realizes the terrible truth about Dickies.
Tonight on Last Stream, the boys come together and come together. Afterwards, they gingerly sit down to give thanks, but for one of them, it might be their last meal.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties’ confrontation with Dickies comes to a climax of catastrophic consequences as Titties leaves New York City behind and leaves Dickies alone, awaiting one last sweet release – the sweet release of death. Meanwhile, on the eve of the official declaration of Marcus as Mayor Ben’s First Life-Partner, Henry renounces The Fish’s (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan’s) evil endeavors and proposes that he, Marcus, and Ben become a man-age à trois instead and go out with a bang.
Tonight on Last Stream, a cock crows to the soft, pink sky as the ball of the morning sun rises over a rouge barn where a young farmhand, glistening in the dew, pitches golden rods of hay into the barren troughs of the ravenous beasts before him. On the horizon, a newly-liberated Titties steps forward, towards the rugged farmhand and a new life. Meanwhile, not all is roses for our handsome heroes because The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) doesn’t relinquish his toys so easily.
Tonight on Last Stream, looking for a fresh start, Titties accepts work from the glistening, rugged farmhand, but the work is manual, and it’s definitely hard. Meanwhile, our handsome hosts are leaving their honeymoon period and the tensions, both sexual and platonic, are rising as The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) continues poking at their holes.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand teaches Titties how to plow, and The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) continues to spread the rift between the boys. Meanwhile, in the bowls of the abandoned hospital, a figure throbs in the void Titties left behind, and a fist thrusts through the wreckage. It’s the Devilish Dickies!
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand teaches Titties how to handle his cock and his other farm animals. Meanwhile, the Devilish Dickies approaches The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) with a proposition that perhaps they could double-team the boys and take them from both ends.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand teaches Titties how to delineate the nuances of the American, agrarian economic model for the 21st century, and then they have sex. Meanwhile, the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) begin plodding away at the boys by poking around in the dark and looking for their weak spots.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand takes Titties to market, but will he give him the roast beef too? Meanwhile, the dark duo of the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) continue to pound at the boys and stretch their limits.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand gives Titties his first hands-on experience with artificial insemination, and it gets messy. Meanwhile, the boys continue to hold firm as they take everything the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A Matt Harrigan) can give. If this keeps up, The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) may have to call in his bruiser and flex some real muscle…
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand shows Titties how to spread seed into the wet, brown, freshly-plowed dirt. Meanwhile, after weeks of frustration from the boys, The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) introduces the Devilish Dickies to his enforcers, The Muscle and The Mouth.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties learns how to milk a cow, and he may think he knows his way around a nipple, but the glistening, rugged farmhand shows him how to squeeze it right. Meanwhile, The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) and the Devilish Dickies are determined to divide and conquer the boys, so they devise a devious plan to put The Mouth to good use.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties asks the glistening, rugged farmhand to show him how to saddle a horse, but instead, he shows Titties how to ride bareback. Meanwhile, The Mouth earns his moniker by quick-talking his way into the boys’ good graces, but if they’re not careful, they’ll learn the hard way just how quick his lips can be.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties impresses the glistening, rugged farmhand with his skillful wrangling of a steer. After all, he’s an expert at handling Longhorns. Meanwhile, with The Muscle waiting in the wings, The Mouth sinks his teeth deeper into the boys, but if he’s not careful, they may bite back.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties puts the thigh-gripping technique the glistening, rugged farmhand taught him for breaking in stallions to good use. Meanwhile, the boys see through The Mouth’s slippery, silver tongue and realize his true identity is none other than Jono, one of The Fish’s (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan’s) closest and loudest confidants. But will the boys’ new toy help his new daddies when The Muscle comes knocking on their back door?
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand teaches Titties the top technique for churning butter, so he can get to that sweat cream without his arms tiring. Meanwhile, now that The Mouth (A.K.A. Jono) has latched onto the boys, The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) prepares to plug him permanently, but the Devilish Dickies has another idea on how to use The Mouth to come deeper into the boys’ inner circle.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand prepares to take Titties on his first cattle drive, but can Titties handle all that beef? Meanwhile, The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) finally introduces the Devilish Dickies to The Muscle, who turns out to be none other than Adult Swim Digital Enforcer Danya Levine, and they send her to trick The Mouth (A.K.A. Jono) into thinking she wants to defect too, but all The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) wants is to pierce the boys’ sanctum.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties learns that, on a cattle drive, the work is hard, but the men are harder as the glistening, rugged farmhand introduces him to his fellow cowboys: Long Slim, Bubba Chunk, and The Thickness. Meanwhile, The Mouth (A.K.A. Johnno) and the boys are reeling as The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) gives them a good fisting.
Tonight on Last Stream, when Titties unwisely lets Bubba Chunk show him a rope trick, can the glistening, rugged farmhand get him out of a bind? Meanwhile, after The Muscle (A.K.A Danya Levine) rides the boys into the ground, wearing them out, she refocuses her domination onto The Mouth (A.K.A. Johnno), and The Mouth may be slippery, but she is strapped.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties decides to take up tobacco like the others, so Long Slim shows him how to stuff his pipe and smoke it. Meanwhile, with the boys too sore to fight back, The Mouth (A.K.A. Jono) pleads for mercy from The Muscle (A.K.A Danya Levine), but The Muscle has no mercy and proceeds to plug him permanently.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Thickness orders the cowboys to brand their steer, so the glistening, rugged farmhand shows Titties how to heat up the rod and press it into the back of the beef. Meanwhile, with The Mouth (A.K.A. Jono) permanently muzzled, The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) is one rough knuckling away from rupturing the boys too.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties finds himself between a rock and a hard place when Bubba Chunk exposes his hard place and makes his move to take Titties away from the glistening, rugged farmhand. Meanwhile, with their backs against the floor, the boys make one last appeal to The Mouth’s (A.K.A. Danya Levine’s) better nature, but does she even have a better nature?
Tonight on Last Stream, when the tender Titties opposes the overtures of Bubba Chunk, the brute swipes the supple stripling and runs off towards the ravine with the glistening, rugged farmhand racing at their rear. Meanwhile, The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) has deliberated on the boys’ desperate deal and decided to do as they desired, but in order to deliver, she’ll need to make her own deal with the devilish Dickies.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand rides up to see Bubba Chunk dangling the delicate Titties over the ravine. To the boorish Bubba, the solution is simple – either he’ll be the man to love the tender Titties, or he’ll be the man to lynch him. Meanwhile, The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) descends into the Devilish Dickies’ domain – a place of nefariousness and ne’er-do-wells – with a proposition from The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) despicable enough to delight the Devilish Dickies.
Tonight on Last Stream, Bubba Chunk and the glistening, rugged farmhand push, prod, and pummel each other on the edge of the ravine. Their bodies strain in sweat as Titties watches on, wondering which winner will claim him as their spoils. Meanwhile, the Devilish Dickies dangles a bit of bait in front of The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan), but will this fishy bite?
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand thrusts Bubba Chunk into the gaping ravine, leaving him grasping the edge for dear life. As Titties rushes to embrace the victor, Bubba Chunk grabs his foot in one last desperate, destructive attempt at his misguided love, but Titties kicks him away, and Bubba Chunk plummets to the ground below with nothing but Titties’ shoe clutched in his hand, like Cinderella for the dead and also homosexuals.
Tonight on Last Stream, with The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) hooked on his rod, the Devilish Dickies leads him by the mouth deep into his lecherous lair where he’s expecting to find The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry), but when The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) takes him by surprise, all The Fish finds is finality.
Tonight on Last Stream, with The Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) belly up, his role in the underworld is now a hole looking to be filled, so The Muscle (A.K.A. Danya Levine) inserts herself into that hole as the new Fish. Meanwhile, Titties is still down due to the deadly disaster with Bubba Chunk, so the glistening, rugged farmhand takes him to a nearby hot spring where things get steamy.
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand gets Titties back in the saddle, so they can restart the beef train with Long Slim and The Thickness. Meanwhile, The New Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) has made things smoother for The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry), but the Devilish Dickies likes things rough, so how long will this peaceful period persist?
Tonight on Last Stream, the glistening, rugged farmhand continues pushing his stock deeper into the West, and Titties passion for beef seems to be reignited; however, news from The Thickness ends their meat parade prematurely – Bubba Chunk’s father, Daddy Chunk, confronted The Thickness and Long Slim at the last watering hole, and Daddy Chunk is demanding discipline for his son’s death.
Tonight on Last Stream, the honeymoon period between The New Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) and The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) dulls the Devilish Dickies, so the roguish rapscallion retreats to his refuge to ruminate on a recipe for ruin, but Dickies isn’t the only one with an eye for eliminating this new establishment, and an old associate of The Old Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) may soon return from retirement.
Tonight on Last Stream, news reaches our beef brigade detailing Daddy Chunk's efforts to round up a posse in the next town, and if there's one thing our homosexual heifer herders can't stand, it's posse. Meanwhile, a curious character comes out from his cryptic cover to contact the Devilish Dickies - a character who calls himself The Owl.
Tonight on Last Stream, Daddy Chunk sends The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) a warning - Daddy Chunk is a leather daddy, heavy on punishment, and he's about to tan their hides.
Tonight on Last Stream, despite his deal with the Devilish Dickies, The Owl knows the devious one isn’t dependable. After all, Dickies himself played a part in the passing of The Owl’s previous non-platonic partner, The Old Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan), so The Owl prepares a plan to play for both teams and turn his partnership into a three-way until each side tires the other out.
Tonight on Last Stream, with Daddy Chunk talkin’ up a tussle, the glistening, rugged farmhand decides it’s high time Titties learns to shoot, so he takes him into the brush, pulls out his rifle, and slips it into Titties’ hands. Now, Titties is used to handling rifles, but he’s usually not the one doing the shooting, so he gets on his belly, grips the stock tight, and squeezes the trigger, and an almighty explosion goes off in his hands, erupting from the rigid barrel.
Tonight on Last Stream, the shady silhouette known only as The Owl surreptitiously slides up to The New Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) from the shadows with a subversive suggestion. Should she select to side with this secretive stranger, she could succeed The Old Fish (A.K.A. Matt Harrigan) in the same sinful syndicate he once supervised for The Owl; however, such a succession solicits certain sacrifices – succinctly, a slaying of the Devilish Dickies and a surrender of The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) to The Owl’s salacity.
Tonight on Last Stream, when The Thickness captures one of Daddy Chunk’s scouts spying from the scrub, The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) take to his tender flesh to extract their own information.
Tonight on Last Stream, as The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) nears Daddy Chunk’s breastwork in Bottomman’s Brown Gulch, Daddy Chunk fortifies his rear position in preparation The Beef Brigade’s longhorn train forcing its way inside. Bottomman’s Brown Gulch may not be big enough for both of them, but that won’t stop The Beef Brigade from squeezing in through the cracks in Daddy Chunk’s buttresses.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) has floundered at fingering The Owl through favors, so she switches to a more fun and forceful of finding information. Meanwhile, the Devilish Dickies has discovered some dirt on The Owl – dirt that might lead to a definitive identification.
Tonight on Last Stream, with The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) firmly inside Bottomman's Brown Gulch, Daddy Chunk finally comes face to face with the tender Titties of New York City, the face that launched a thousand cattle, the man whose beauty was so divine that his son died while trying to conquer him, and he decides to conquer him too.
Tonight on Last Stream, the Devilish Dickies descends upon The Owl's domain with a despicable detail derived from his devious detective work, but before he can bargain with The Owl, The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) bursts in. She surmised the same secret that Dickies scooped - The Owl is actually Mike Lazzo.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Beef Brigade is holed up inside Bottomman’s Brown Gultch, waiting for Daddy Chunk to make a move, but Daddy Chunk is a gentleman, and he knows better than to rush his advances. Instead, Daddy Chunk decides to play before he pounces; poking and prodding, building the tension until they’re ready to burst.
Tonight on Last Stream, with The Owl revealed to be none other than Adult Swim President, Mike Lazzo, the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) find themselves in quite the Pickle Rick. A man with this much pulsating power can put the two of them in a perilous position, and speaking of positions, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) has some thoughts on what to do with The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry).
Tonight on Last Stream, The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) is taking a pounding from Daddy Chunk, who’s stuffing his fingers into every crack in their defensive position, and if he can get the right grip, he may just squeeze them out of Bottomman’s Brown Gulch and leave them dripping onto the dirt.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) have enjoyed a hedonistic harmony for too long, and The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) has a prodigal plan to perforate their party, but will the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) team up and try a threesome with The Owl, or will they support The Last Boys in their gooey glory?
Tonight on Last Stream, The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) collapse into a heap as Daddy Chunk finally penetrates their firm defenses. They played hard to get as long as they could, but now Daddy Chunk has them in his favorite position – on their knees, begging for release.
Tonight on Last Stream, with our newly-formed threesome still feeling each other out, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo), the Devilish Dickies, and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) ponder over The Owl’s plan for penetrating the tight, tight sticky-as-glue bond between The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry).
Tonight on Last Stream, with The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening rugged farmhand) splayed beneath him, Daddy Chunk strides over and straddles the tender Titties. Daddy Chunk bends over and presses his face to Titties' face, finally finding himself cheek to cheek with the beau whose beauty blanked his baby boy, Bubba Chunk, and he whispers into Titties' ear "Soon, you will be a sweet nothing."
Tonight on Last Stream, the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon is coming, the biggest event on New York City’s political calendar, except for St. Fat-Chick’s Day Parade of course, and as The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) finish their training together – bent over, exhausted, gasping, sore, rubbed raw, and dripping wet, they look up to see a man they don’t recognize scowling at them through an Andy Warhol haircut – The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo), and if they thought they had it rough before, wait until he’s done riding them.
Tonight on Last Stream, Titties is ripe and ready to burst as Daddy Chunk squeezes him f or more info on the death of his son, Bubba Chunk, but just as the situation is coming to a climax, a c linking of spurs cuts through the commotion. The lawman of Bottomman’s Brown Gulch has arrived, Sheriff Pound Bottomman. He’s got his spurs on, and he’s ready to ride.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) arch their backs and push against the strange and spindly man before them: that rakish, recondite raconteur who calls himself The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo). Unbeknownst to them, The Owl was the biggest donor in Ben's last mayoral campaign, and if he pulls out of Ben's fresh, tightly funded campaign now, the election could explode, leaving The Last Boys with The Owl's egg all over their faces.
Tonight on Last Stream, like a cat to cream, Sheriff Pound Bottomman has come to pound t he pandemonium caused by Daddy Chunk and The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the g listening, rugged farmhand). He’s smelt their stink, and he’s ready to show them just how long the law can be.
Tonight on Last Stream, as The Last Boys (Ben, Marcus, and Henry) take in as much of the ir new friend as they can handle, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) slithers his seed of dissent into their e ager ears. He reminds The Last Boys that the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon is a two-person race, so if Ben wants to keep his reelection campaign running, he’ll need to trim their trio into a duo and leave eith er Marcus or Henry out of the fun.
Tonight on Last Stream, in the chaos created by the confrontation between Daddy Chunk an d The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand), Sheriff Po und Bottomman hog ties the whole herd of ‘em to sort out the situation on his home turf – behind the ba rs of the Bottomman Buttress, but with all these troublemakers in tow, how many men can Sheriff Bottomm an comfortably squeeze into the hole?
Tonight on Last Stream, with the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon nearing, Ben must choose bet ween partnering with Marcus or partnering with Henry. Their threesome worked well for a while, but The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) has weaseled his way into their tight bonds, and the tension threatens to turn them into a twosome with The Owl set to secure the spare.
Tonight on Last Stream, the room’s getting hotter, the air’s getting mustier, and the ho le’s getting tighter as The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) and Daddy Chunk are stuck deep in the Bottomman Buttress, completely at the mercy of Sheriff Pound Bottomman and his brigade of Bottom Boys.
Tonight on Last Stream, a heartbroken Henry hides the pain when Ben chooses Marcus as his partner in the upcoming Biannual Bisexual Biathlon, but The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) can sense Henry’s woe – and his weakness. The Owl swoops in to suggest a sinister solution: if Henry partners with The Owl in the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon, the two of them can team up with the tandem of the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) to ensure that the race runs a ruinous course for Ben and Marcus.
Tonight on Last Stream, Sheriff Pound Bottomman moves to separate The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) and sends each of them off for some alone time with one of his Bottom Boys. Sheriff Pound Bottomman’s Bottom Boys are trained in extracting the juice from tough guys like these, and they know how to grind The Beef Brigade until they squeal.
Tonight on Last Stream, with his slender tendrils successfully slinked into Henry’s supple, susceptible soul, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) sets out to start his sinister scheme to subvert Ben’s re-election. Together with the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine), The Owl forges a fearsome foursome with Henry, forcing him to fracture from Ben and Marcus and face ending their friendship forever.
Tonight on Last Stream, with his Bottom Boys prodding The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand), Sheriff Pound Bottomman turns his attention to Daddy Chunk. It’s a meeting of meat meant to test their mettle and settle who can handle more, and only one man will come on top.
Tonight on Last Stream, after weeks of training with the Devilish Dickies and The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine), The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) has refined Henry into his peak physical shape – the shape of a stubby, ginger pear, and with a win in today’s Biannual Bisexual Biathlon, Henry could firmly grasp the pole position in the upcoming mayoral re-election, causing an inevitable shrink in Ben’s poll numbers. However, even with The Owl’s support, a win would be no small feat for the small-footed Henry. After all, Henry’s not what you would call a winner, and he would have to take the top position, something Henry’s never tried before, but it would also mean Henry would have to finish first, which he is quite accustomed to.
Tonight on Last Stream, squeals squeak through the walls of their cell as a broken Daddy Chunk cries out for mercy. Sheriff Pound Bottomman is a punisher, and if Daddy Chunk and The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) ever want to escape the grasp of his long arm, they’ll have to put the past aside and form a gang to bang their way outta there.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) has done the unthinkable – he’s led Henry Zebrowski to victory in an athletic competition, and with their triumphant double-teaming in the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon, The Owl has fully exposed Henry as a challenger to Ben’s reelection. Ben may have the benefit of being the incumbent, but Henry’s bent in cum several times, and he’s not just gonna lay down and take it if the race gets sticky.
Tonight on Last Stream, Daddy Chunk and The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) decide to set aside their differences and form a ménage à cinq. Individually, they’re as weak as a single finger, and fingering by themselves has yet to work. So the five fingers have decided to form a mighty fist, and, together, they’re going to fist Sheriff Pound Bottomman into submission.
Tonight on Last Stream, The Owl’s (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) top boy, Henry Zebrowski, is the talk of the town, hot off his victory in the Biannual Bisexual Biathlon. With the New York elite clamoring to get their hands on him, The Owl realizes he’ll need to have Henry’s natural Polishness refined before he can satisfy the palates of the upper crust, so he tasks The Fish (A.K.A. Danya Levine) and the Devilish Dickies with pulling a Pretty Woman, only instead of the benefit of starting with Julia Roberts, they have to use Henry Zebrowski.
Tonight on Last Stream, with Henry dolled up and ready for the town, The Owl (A.K.A. Mike Lazzo) takes him to meet and greet with the New York elite. It’ll be a night full of nothing but ass-kissing, but Henry’s used to spending his nights engaged in ass-to-mouth action, so this should be a breeze – a smelly breeze.
Tonight on Last Stream, Sheriff Pound Bottomman’s hole has been breached. The Beef Brigade (Titties, Long Slim, The Thickness, and the glistening, rugged farmhand) have muscled through a tight tunnel in the brown dirt at the back of their cell, and now they can finally face Bottomman head to head.
Henry’s Mandate: LIVE from quarantine #1.
Marcus’s Mandate: LIVE from quarantine #2.
Ben’s Mandate (feat. Nadia White): LIVE from quarantine #3.
Travis’s Mandate: LIVE from quarantine #4.
Rush vs. Poison: LIVE from quarantine #5.
An air of positivity: LIVE from quarantine #6.
Why do my balls hurt: LIVE from quarantine #7.
Will you shut off the stream? LIVE from quarantine #8.
A list of blind people: LIVE from quarantine #9.
The worst thing I’ve ever seen: LIVE from quarantine #10.
Arkansas sex dungeons & outside food tubes: LIVE from quarantine #11.
It's Up To You To Shut Off The Stream: LIVE from Quarantine #12
Let's Show Some Fun Stuff: LIVE from Quarantine #13
Poosday Mandate: LIVE from Quarantine #14
There Ain't Nothin' There: LIVE from Quarantine #15
Ben, Henry, and Marcus discuss the horrors of the world.
39 AND HOLDING: Ben’s Birthday Mandate.
Fat, Sassy, and Shockingly Wholesome: A Marcus Mandate?
Travis elevates the human conversation.
Right On The Gooch: Ben’s Mandate
Delivery Boy: Marcus' Mandate
SCREAMING IN FRENCH: A Travis Morningstar Mandate
Distaster Relief Clowning: Henry's Mandate
SUPERTASTER: Marcus's Mandate
The 1st Annual Travis Morningstar TIKTOK HALLOWEEN SPECIAL
Don’t Stop Believin’: Henry’s Mandate
Joker Lessons: Ben's Mandate
Butter Week: Marcus' Mandate
Happy Trails #daretobebold
It's Almost Like Nothing's Changed
Full Of Beans
Let 'Em Have It
Horses Can't Throw Up
A World Where Women Burp
A Mandate Without A Marcus
Full Dick Territory
He Knows How to Hula, Baby
Marcus returns to his own mandate... to find it littered with new hairstyles, a monthlong birthday celebration, poopoo double downs, and an extended debate on rat euthanasia.
Henry is once again asking: Will you shut off the stream? But we're leaving Bochco out of it.
Nipples, public masturbation, wrestling, Starbucks, Star Wars, nipples again, horse milk.
Will Fernando's follow-up mandate scar your psyche again? Are you willing to find out? Are you really?
Sharks get a week, why not old folks? And so Marcus prepared a mostly* wholesome celebration. *Nice things are never guaranteed here. You know better.
When a bit falls through, the true professional does not need a plan B. They pull themselves up by their bootstraps and use a list.
You've been waiting for more isopod content, haven't you? Great. Fernando is your guy.
During Marcus' last mandate, someone implied that he'd gone soft. Now you're all getting punished.
'Round the corner, content is made. It's Henry's mandate & he wants to share beverage recipes straight from lockup.
Mentalist and Illusionist Wayne Hoffman interrupts Ben's videos about bathrooms and bad smells to make the boys FEEL WIERD. Really weird.
Have we entered a new era of Fernandates? Has he hung up the isopod content for a strict diet of cute animal videos? Suppose you'll have to watch
Marcus is giving you options. Marcus would like to know how you feel about them.
Please compose yourselves for Henry Zebrowski's Deadly Serious UFO Mandate. Where laughter is forbidden, and orin is a gift. Also... quick question: do you fart when you pee?
It's a Fernandate without a Marcus, but Ed Larson steps up to be punished in his place.
The Boys are back from summer vacation, and Marcus leads the charge by prodding a male bosom with a high-end theme park souvenir, dropping masterful segways, and once again asking: Which Do You Like Most?
Ed Larson joins Henry & Marcus to explore a new segment... and face punishment by womb butter.
Jackie Zebrowski teams up with her brother to be towered over by Marcus - while they witness the unravelling of last week's mystery and face some musical endurance tests.
Fernando explores our relationship with technology. And touching isopods. Also: Jackie returns, Henry planks, and Marcus shows teeth.
It's Marcus' mandate, and he can poll the audience as much as he damn well pleases
With Henry off hosting dinner parties, Holden McNeely, Ed, and Marcus are left to endure the LPN staff's relentless video barrage.
It is a robot that I don't like. It is a robot that thinks it's us. And it's not us.
Black attire required. With special guests David Dastmalchian & Leah Kilpatrick
The time has finally come for Ed's mandate: start with the liver & onions, stay for the ham. And balloons.
Fernando spent some time on TikTok. He had some videos to share with the boys. Take notes.
The LPN employee mandate is here again... to make the CEOs squirm. And you are the collateral damage.
What's your favorite flavor?
Henry's Mandate explores the male nipple. And baby lengths. And leather motorcycle suits.
Ed spends his latest Hamdate schooling the "experts" on a new entry in the cryptozoological pantheon.
The new year has a body count. But the show will not be stopped.
Tonight is not a night for laughter. Tonight is the night Henry Zebrowski decided to tell the truth about UFOs. A second time.
Ed uses his HAMDATE to pay tribute a departed friend on the 5th anniversary of his passing. And to also play unrelated peepee and slapping videos.
A new bloodsport determines who among the LPN workforce is the EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.
Marcus leads Ed & Jackie on an odyssey through the wonders of microwave cooking. And Jazzercise.
The laughter has returned to Henry's mandate. But he has a serious question for you.
Hamdate the Fourth is here: wherein Ed shares his deep affinity for Famous Amos.
The employee hunger games are back on. Who will ascend to Employee Of The Month status? And what prize will it net them?
It happened. It really happened. And a very specific word gets served.
Don't be an accuser of the brethren, we're trying to help you!
Ed brings the heat and the ham as he guides us through the mysterious world of mermaids and more.
The people who work here are absolutely fine, as evidenced by these eclectic staff picks. We are fine. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
Marcus teaches us how to park, what trees taste like, and who to call when you need a good cry. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
They tried to stop him, but the truth is too powerful (and not a laughing matter.) Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
Ed Larson is just the kind of selfless guy who would sacrifice his own hamdate to celebrate 40 years of Zebrowski.
Be sure to add "look up deranged videos" to your company time cards - it's Staff Picks VI. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
If you enjoy hard-hitting pizza commercial analysis, this is your episode and yours alone. Others may watch it with you, but no one can watch it for you. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
This is Henry. He's not like the other men on the internet. He's real. And he's got some redacted videos to show you. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut - every last clip of nude men and/or their poopoo - every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
What if shrimp had ribs? Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
What did the LPN worker gremlins have in store for the boys this week? Who walked with their money satchel $100 heavier? Watch and learn. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
Texas Marcus has such sights to show you. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
Henry would like to introduce you to his unique internet friends. And his feet. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream live & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET/6p PT
Rest in ham, Skeeter Snitherworth. This content is dedicated to you. In solemn observance of Skeeter's passing, 10p ET / 7p PT will be the new standard time for LSOTL YouTube replay premieres going forward. But Patreon subscribers can catch the stream LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Our staff put in the work to make sure that you, dear viewer, will probably hate something shown here. Alternately, your fancies may be tickled. It's just that kinda grab gag. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Marcus wanted to celebrate some nice ladies this week. But there's still plenty of room for very specific internet creatures and male breast closeups. Patreon subscribers can catch the stream LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
NASA's reckoning arrives in the form of cosmic storm Zebrowski. Plus: new fun shapes! Patreon subscribers like Bill Nelson can catch the stream LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Ed has a special vacation video to share with you. Dobby leaves the boys with many unsolved mysteries. And apparently Cher doesn't want you to have any reggae unless you go to her YouTube channel. Patreon subscribers can get some reggae LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Some are saying that men are no longer celebrated. Well, the LPN staff banded together to accidentally pay tribute. Patreon subscribers can experience subway feasts LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Carolina takes the wheel for a rare guest mandate as the remnants of Henry & Marcus' jetlagged souls hang on for dear life. SEE YOU AFTER OUR SUMMER BREAK - NEXT EPISODE WILL HIT YOUTUBE ON 9/12 Patreon subscribers can experience full surgical presentations LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
The boys have been rebirthed back into the workforce after tours and vacations - and found a way to observe a day early.
Watch as Henry's video selections age Ed roughly 30 years over the course of the episode - but how will guest host Amber Nelson fare?
Ed programs his own music festival, Marcus has covid, and Henry encourages less Holden from Holden. Nothing got redacted this time... but Patreon subscribers can raise a ruckus in chat and vote and experience the sorts of things that get redacted LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Staff Picks turns 10. And if we all did our jobs right, your eyeballs will feel like they smoked a carton of cigarettes by the end of this episode. Patreon subscribers can participate in important polls about Monkey Baby Bon Bon and watch the episode LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Oh and also celebrity impersonations, Turkish aliens, and blue jean merchandising opportunities. It's all really delightful. Patreon subscribers can see monkey breasts LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
The boys have returned to home soil - and Henry has a few questions for restless spirts out there. Patreon subscribers can bear witness to this filth LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Henry and Marcus assembled their Goblin coalitions to face off at the livestream ballot box. And the content surprisingly turned out to be far less disturbing than other recent... results. Patreon subscribers can bear witness to this filth LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
The boys went and had themselves a post-election exorcism... under the banner of HAM. Patreon subscribers can bear witness to tag-team RFK Jr impersonations LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
What video casts the deepest, darkest shadow on your soul? And/or makes you laugh until you fart? The LPN staff have given you many options. Patreon subscribers can request pizza LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
It's a night of pure cinema with the boys... as they endure Müjdat Gezen's triumph of IP infringement: HOMOTI. Patreon subscribers can experience full alien puncture LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Marcus' Mandate inadvertently peels back another layer of suspicion around an already unsavory case of rat morphing. Plus: a hernia. Patreon subscribers can experience this hard-hitting investigative journalism LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Do you know what you saw? Are you sure? We don't care - It's Henry's absolutely not serious nothing going on here mandate. We're just having some fun. Patreon subscribers can experience no revelations whatsoever LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Ed enters 2025 shout out of a damn cannon. Patreon subscribers can experience python roadkill LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
The LPN staff has survived flaming winds, wretched air quality, and everyday existential dread to bring both YOU and the boys a new crop of retina-searing videos. Patreon subscribers can subject themselves to this filth LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT
Marcus has a few bones to pick. And we are all collateral damage. Patreon subscribers can subject themselves to this filth LIVE & uncut every Tuesday at 9p ET / 6p PT