In the series premiere, submersible pilot Mikaela Soto joins a private expedition to locate a plane that went missing over the Pacific fourteen months ago. Shortly after arriving onboard, she finds a hidden message warning her this mission may not be what it appears.
Mikaela challenges authority onboard. A strange man is rescued from the middle of the ocean raving about something utterly unbelievable.
An unexpected person joins the expedition. Mikaela goes on a dive, discovering something both mysterious and ominous.
The rescued man wakes up with a tale too sensational to believe. A wild theory is proposed and the crew realize they are on a very different kind of expedition.
The mission suffers a catastrophic set-back. A crew member's life is threatened.
Trust is broken and the crew takes sides that could determine the fate of the expedition. A secret message is finally decoded.
The ship is no longer under its original control. Truths are revealed...and the answers Mikaela has been seeking are nothing short of true horror.
In the season finale of Last Known Position, Mikaela, under interrogation, recalls the final hours of the expedition.