Tina needs attention and likes to talk, while Arinze is creative and needs space.
George works hard and drinks to much, while Francie is emotionally frozen and feels alone.
Jen feels ignored, while Mike feels he can't win.
Rob has an affair and Leah feels betrayed, but both want a fresh start.
Lisa loves a routine, while Troy misses the fun of dating.
Stephen says hurtful things when drinking, Larissa feels overwhelmed and anxious.
Lorne lacks focus, while Leanne needs to be active.
Hayley is sarcastic, while Adrian is sensitive and reclusive.
Paul is carefree, while Arleigh needs to have a plan.
Laura fights about everything, while Joe loves to make up.
Aaron wants kids, but not marriage, while Melissa wants marriage but no kids.
Justin needs time, while Sarah feels times is running out.
Rob has fallen out of love, but Charleen is pregnant.