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Season 1

  • S01E01 Why Invade?

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    Ted and team check out warbirds in Florida before flying to England, France and Germany to discover why the invasion of Normandy was such a necessity for the Allies.

  • S01E02 The Build Up

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    Britain undergoes her own “friendly invasion” as American and Commonwealth troops and machines pour into the island.

  • S01E03 The Build Up Continues

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    As the build up continues, and Britain is almost at bursting point with troops and machines of war, Ted re-discovers their old camps and embarkation ports along the south coast of the island.

  • S01E04 Failure and Success

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    In Early spring 1944, everything looks good for the Allied invasion until a simple radio mistake results in a grizzly shambles and hundreds of Allied troops are killed before they even set foot on the enemy shore.

  • S01E05 Out of England into France

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    Ted’s team joins up with Normandy Veterans of all services as they sail across the channel to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.

  • S01E06 Beaches and Beyond

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    The commemoration events in Normandy are a mix of celebration and solemn remembrance as we catch up with veteran paratroopers, and tour the bunkers and beaches of Normandy.

  • S01E07 D-Day: Minus 1

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    The Germans had been on alert for weeks, watching and waiting for the Allied invasion everyone knew was coming.

  • S01E08 D-Day: Plus 1

    • C3 Entertainment, Inc.

    On June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord went forward with the D-Day landing that ranks as the boldest and most successful large-scale invasion in military history.