Aconsejada por César, Fernanda decide reconquistar a Rafael para hacerle pagar a los Toscano. Leticia le muestra a Julia el arete que encontró.
César assures Fernanda that she is the best option to enter the Primor and thus know all of Octavio's movements. Rafael informs his father that he has already verified that Fernanda has the man who tried to kill him living on her ranch. César reveals to Fernanda what Octavio did to him. Fernanda accepts Rafael's proposal to fall in love again so that both she and César can take revenge on Octavio. Fernanda and Juana ask Gabriel, Sandra and Clara to decide with whom they will leave, since their deal as partners is dissolved. César believes that the best way for Fernanda to approach Rafael is with Germán and advises her that for a good start she should apologize to Octavio's son. Now that she knows that Rafael will inherit all the business, Isabela is convinced that she cannot leave him. Fernanda, ready to start with her plan, looks for Germán at his house, but finds Rafael with Isabela. Leticia informs Julia that Octavio has a lover and shows her the earring she found in his desk.
Aconselhada por César, Fernanda decide reconquistar Rafael para fazer os Toscanos pagarem. Letícia mostra a Julia o brinco que encontrou.