Graham ordnet eine umfassende Suche an, um die zwei vermissten feindlichen Piloten zu finden. Das Efidolg-Mutterschiff entsendet derweil einen weiteren Geoframe.
Efy Dolgh soldier Imusa descends again to Earth to find the remaining three Hinge Stones, including the Keystone. The GAUS crew waits for new parts to arrive and debate whether or not Muetta is Princess Yukihime. Kennosuke uses the Black Relic to search for Muetta. Efy Dolgh soldier Yoruba travels to Japan in the flying Bluebird geoframe to check on his comrades and also shoots down the transport plane carrying the GAUS replacement parts. The crew manage to offload the parts before crash-landing into the dam where Kennosuke uses the Black Relicto save the plane and crew. Yoruba in the Bluebird geoframe finds Mirasa who lies about the fate of Muetta and he goes in search of her. He sees the Black Relic and attacks, but during the aerial battle the Demon attaches his own flying geoframe to the Black Relic to help Kennosuke. However, because of Kennosuke's mistrust of demons it departs, but promises assist him if needed.
Graham ordina una ricerca a tappeto per trovare i due piloti nemici mancanti. Nel frattempo la nave madre Efidolg invia un geoframe supplementare.
그레이엄은 실종된 적군 조종사 2명을 전면 수색하라는 명령을 내린다. 한편 에피도르그 모함에서는 지오프레임을 추가로 파견한다.
Graham nakazuje dokładne poszukiwania dwóch wrogich pilotów. Tymczasem statek matka Efidolgów uwalnia dodatkową jednostkę.
Graham start een uitgebreide zoekactie naar de twee verdwenen, vijandelijke piloten. Ondertussen stuurt het moederschip van de Efy Dolgh een extra geostructuur.