Kuroko get's knocked unconscious in the game before the grand final, in which Teiko is set to play against Kuroko's friend, Shige's team. Kuroko regains consciousness, and since he cannot play in the game, asks Akashi to make Teiko play their best. Teiko, bored by scoring quotas, decide to play a new game. Kuroko gets to the match in time to see the conclusion of the game, with Murasakibara scoring the final goal for the opposite team in order to make the score read "111, 11". Devastated, Kuroko decides to quit basketball and visits Shige's school, where he finds out Shige has transferred and is going to quit basketball. Shige's friend tells him not to quit basketball, because he thinks Kuroko can melt their hearts.
또래의 선수들과 확연히 차이나는 실력 때문에 기적의 세대 멤버들은 시합에 의욕을 잃는다.
쿠로코 또한 설득을 포기하고 의무적으로 승리해 나가는 멤버들을 바라보고 있었는데..
Kuroko quedó inconsciente en el juego antes de la gran final, en la que Teiko jugará contra el amigo de Kuroko, el equipo de Shige. Kuroko recupera la conciencia y, como no puede jugar en el juego, le pide a Akashi que haga que Teiko juegue de la mejor manera posible.
Trovandosi nella lista degli infortunati prima della finale tra la Teiko e la squadra dell'amico Shige, Kuroko spinge Akashi a incoraggiare la squadra a dare il meglio.
Auch in Tetsuyas letztem Jahr an der Teiko ändert sich an der beispiellosen Dominanz der Wundergeneration nichts. Ein teaminterner Wettbewerb soll die Spieler motivieren, auch in den langweiligen Routinematches ihr Bestes zu geben. Doch die Gleichgültigkeit seiner Teamkameraden nimmt Tetsuya die Lust am Basketballspielen.