Rokhlin demands Kvass to tell why Oleg got Aleksey to be transferred to his squad, but Kvass, realizing that he can be punished for tricking, decides to refuse and ends up in a pre-trial detention center on the personal orders of Rokhlin. Oleg is perplexed why Alexey pleaded guilty to double murder, but after Alexey’s story everything falls into place. It turns out that after the murder of the scientific adviser Tsygelnik and graduate student Melchalov, the notebook with the records of the experiments conducted by the entire scientific group disappears without a trace. Rokhlin decides to substitute Oleg, using the informer Margosh. Having promised to close his eyes to violations at the warehouse, Rokhlin gives Margosha drugs for stuffing to Oleg. In the meantime, Ksenia enters into a contract with a lawyer Ufimtsev, under the pressure of which she decides to restart her attempts to get Alexei out of prison. Having returned home after meeting with a lawyer, Ksenia discovers that the million dollars received for the lightning rod disappeared.