With their new classes off to a bleak start, Vaibhav and his peers question the value of the IIT dream and seek inspiration from a trusted source.
Alors que leurs cours débutent mal, Vaibhav et ses camarades remettent en question leurs rêves d'IIT et cherchent l'inspiration auprès d'une source de confiance.
With their new classes off to a bleak start, Vaibhav and his peers question the value of the IIT dream and seek inspiration from a trusted source.
A tensão do início das aulas faz Vaibhav e os colegas questionar o valor do sonho de estudar no Instituto de Tecnologia e buscar inspiração em uma fonte segura.
Ξεκινώντας δύσκολα τη νέα χρονιά, ο Βαϊμπάβ και οι συμμαθητές του αναρωτιούνται αν όντως αξίζει το Πολυτεχνείο και απευθύνονται για ιδέες σε κάποιον που εμπιστεύονται.
Dopo che le lezioni cominciano in sordina, Vaibhav e i compagni rivalutano il loro sogno di entrare all'IIT e cercano ispirazione da una fonte fidata.