It is early in the new year, and Inogashira Goro (Matsushige Yutaka) arrives in snowy Asahikawa, Hokkaido for business. It seems he is having a busy start of the year, and he strives to finish his work on time. As a result, he feels jumpy every time his phone rings and could not relax. So he goes out of his hotel room and go for a little walk on a snowy day around the town. He eventually feels hungry, but before he could attend to his stomach, he buys some boots to use in order not to slip on the icy sidewalks.
After looking around for an eatery that gives a sense of "the Hokkaido feeling", he settles on a tasteful izakaya with on old-fashioned and quiet feel, "Lone Drinking, Sanshiro". He is welcomed in by proprietress (Tokoshima Yoshiko). Goro then has a scrumptious and comforting meal consisting of shinkoyaki, omelet, mushroom soup and corn tea.
The next morning, Goro goes to dyeing factory and meets with the company president (Morisaki Hiroyuki). Goro would like to order a "big catch" fisherman's flag for a client overseas. He is also given a tour of the workroom. Afterwards, feeling hungry, Goro begins looking for a shop and sees a sign of an eatery called "Jiyuken" just around the alley. Both the attendant (Nishihara Aki) and the Taisho (Hinda Hirotaro) greet him cordially. Since it is a "yakiniku/tonkatsu shop", Goro is torn between ordering meat or seafood. In the end, he chooses the latter: crab croquettes and hokke fry. Plus he orders the shop's famous dish which he finds very unusual: Miso Soup with rice...
井之頭五郎(松重豊)は年明け早々北海道の旭川空港にいた。空港のカフェでパソコンを開き、仕事に追われていた。腕時計を見て慌ててバスに乗る。「冬の旭川・・・もっとのんびりしたかったな・・・」ホテルに着いても携帯は鳴り続け、パソコンを打ち続けていたが・・・やがて決意し、携帯を部屋に置いて雪の街に出た。「思っていたより静かな街だな」そんなことを考えながら歩いていると、突然腹が減ってきた。一人で落ち着いて食べられる店を捜すのだがなかなか見つからない。そんな時「独酌 三四郎」という看板を見つけ、入ってみる。
정초부터 홋카이도 아사히카와로 출장을 떠나 일에 쫓기던 고로. 그러다 이내 결심을 한 듯, 쉴 새 없이 울리는 핸드폰을 호텔 방에 두고 거리로 나선다. 혼자 차분히 식사할 곳을 찾던 고로는 한 가게에 들어가고, 그곳에서 영계 요리를 비롯하여 공복을 달래줄 다양한 요리를 만나게 된다. 다음 날, 거래처를 방문하여 또 한 가지 일을 마친 고로는 좁은 골목에 있는 낡은 밥집에 들어선다. 어떤 것을 먹을지 고민하던 고로는 명물이라는 '된장국 밥 포함'이라는 메뉴에 눈길이 가는데…
2016年之初,虽然名义上已经过了春节,但是深冬的严寒仍然让人哆嗦个不停。偏偏在这个时候,我们的井之头五郎大叔(松重丰 饰)出差来到了北海道的旭川地区。工作繁忙,让他奔波不停,焦头烂额。好不容易工作告一段落,五郎叔决定到街上走走。为了不被临时追加的工作所烦扰,他干脆任性地把手机留在宾馆里,无事一身轻地溜溜达达来到了堆满积雪的街上。之前太忙于工作,吃货五郎都忘记照顾遍尝美味的肚子了。在连续两次碰壁后,叔邂逅了不起眼的小酒馆“三四郎”,并期待着意想不到的惊喜。