At a time when Goro (Matsushige Yutaka) is busy, his lower back hurts once again. The doctor (Kitamura Yukiya) suggests he be hospitalized so he could make thorough examinationof his health. Goro hesitantly obliges. Three days later, Goro is in his hospital bed being served dinner by a nurse (Sudou Atsuko). Goro is looking forward to the hospital meals, which he deemed "has improved considerably lately". However, his meal this time was disappointing, and describes the flavor as "thin". Then, the doctor comes to check on his progress. He says Goro is ready to be discharged the next day. However, for no particular reason, he nonchalantly asks Goro about gyoza. As a result, Goro who is yearning to eat something salty and savory, cannot stop thinking about gyoza, and had trouble sleeping. The next day, he gets discharged and decides to reward himself with a hearty meal. He chooses a ramen shop called "Saien", which of course serves his much longed-for gyoza. His wish is granted, and along with it, he orders the shop's famous dish, Jun Liver Bowl...
師走の忙しい時に五郎は腰を痛めてしまい、何と3日も入院している。仕事が頭から離れずベッドで手帳を広げていると、夕食を運んできた看護師(須藤温子)に止められた。三度の食事だけが楽しみな五郎だが、病院食はやっぱり味が薄くパンチがない。心で文句を言いながらも完食すると、様子を見に来た医師(北村有起哉)が突然「井之頭さんは餃子お好きですか?」と、美味しい餃子の食べ方(酢、胡椒とラー油)をとうとうと話し出す。深夜、餃子が頭から離れず眠れない五郎が廊下を歩いていると、入院している若い男(碓井将大)が携帯で「塩辛」の差し入れを頼んでいた。「塩辛」を連呼するその男の声を聴いていてさらに悶々とするのだった。 寝不足のまま翌日退院した五郎。快復のお礼もかねて亀戸天満宮にお詣りしようとした途端、突然腹が減った。「やんちゃなメシをがつがつ食いたい気分…」そんな時ラーメンの暖簾が見え、思わず入り、カウンターに座る。
허리를 다쳐 병원을 찾은 고로. 통증의 원인은 휜 척추였지만 확실한 검사를 위해 입원을 하게 된다. 입원 중에 계속 심심한 병원식만 먹은 고로는 퇴원 후 바로 식당을 찾는다. 그러던 중 들어가게 된 라멘 집에서 ‘간 볶음 덮밥’이라는 메뉴를 발견하는데...