Inogashira Goro (Matsushige Yutaka) visits a client in Yoyogi-Uehara referred to him by his associate Takiyama. The client who owns a sign shop is not at home so Goro meets with the wife instead (Yokoyama Megumi). Alone with the wife, Goro looks at her eyes and senses a strange atmosphere. Unnerved, he hurries up and finishes the meeting and leaves. Before he goes, the wife hands him a letter in a pink envelope. Fearing that it is a love letter, Goro nervously opens the envelope and reads it... Later, in a foul mood, Goro goes in search of another client, a tatami shop owned by Ozaki (Ishii Kenichi) who was looking for a foreign-made bike. After the meeting, the smell of dried rush used for the tatami relaxes him and soon, he feels hungry. He walks down a narrow alley and finds a shop with dried chilies in front. At the entrance, the signboard says "Gatemo Tabun, Bhutanese cuisine". Without any idea what kind of dishes are being served, Goro takes a plunge and goes inside. Goro reads the menu and is confronted with strange names like Hoge, Momo, Ema datshi, Phagshapa... But one thing he knows for sure, the meals are certainly going to be spicy!
今日は友人の滝山から紹介された客、内田さんのところに納品に行く。井之頭五郎(松重豊)が「base works」という看板の店に入っていくと、内山さんの妻(横山めぐみ)が待っていた。お茶を出してくれるのだが、なんだか雰囲気が違う。目がうるんでいるというか…。居づらくなった五郎がそそくさと帰ろうとすると、玄関先でピンクの封筒を渡された。ラブレター!?ドキッとする五郎。店から離れたところで封を開けてみるが…内容は滝山からの仕事の依頼だった。子供のような悪戯に頭に血が上りつつも、指定の尾崎畳店へ。尾崎(石井愃一)は外国製の自転車を探していた。意外と値が張る。「これで話がまとまったら滝山の手柄になるわけだが…」悶々としていたが、やがて藺草の匂いで気持ちが清々してくる。
거래처 납품을 위해 요요기우에하라를 찾은 고로. 그곳에서 고로는 핑크색 봉투에 들은 편지를 받게 된다. 일을 끝마친 후 배가 고파진 고로는 우연히 보게 된 부탄 요리가게에 들어가는데...