Fallout Boy is dead. Thnks fr th mmrs Remember the days when we all loved Bethesda? Todd and Pete and friends, oh those were the days. But times change, people change. And for Microsoft, Bethesda was pocket change. So let’s look into what this means for you, the consumer. Or something. So get ready for Fallout Boy and Elder Scroll, for Zenimax, is so much more.
Rod Serling made a TV Show. It was pretty good. I talk about this pretty good TV show today. Also I guess the channel is called Owl Edge Hub now. Spoiler alert: it was Earth all along
Game consoles are things people buy. Sometimes they buy them too much. When that happens, the people making the consoles know they got something you want. And then Crash Bandicoot appears
“I awoke in a cold sweat. I had that dream again. The one with the van, the unrelenting dog. A twisted fiend, unholy in nature. He spoke to me, albeit muffled through the dense shrieks of his crew. I should have guessed their motive well before I entered that decrepit town of Coolsville. The easiest way to solve a mystery is to incite it’s creation” - Scooby Doo, 2002
Video games are fun to play Buy new box, but looks the same? Maybe you will soon complain Ray traced face of ratchet clank I talk about stuff in the vid. It’s a fun time.
Clouds are fun, fluffy and nice They’re vapid stare, how do entice? But heed its call for coming soon, The cloud is me, the cloud is you
It’s a nice idea isn’t it? The notion that when you exchange your hard earned cash for the fancy new “product”, you actually own it in some capacity? Well, in all likelihood, you probably don’t own as much as you think. It’s kinda hard to explain. But nonetheless let us dig into the ever changing world of copyright, public domain, terms of service, and plush snake mascots for gaming accessory manufacturers.
Overhyped. Sometimes we get excited for things. Sometimes those things end up not living up to expectations. Expect nothing from this video and you’re less likely to be disappointed.
Today on GeographyHub I take a look at the Adam Sandler Comedy ”Eight Crazy Nights” Featuring lyrics by Tim Allen
Cyberman 5000 is a video game created by noted author “Cyberpunk 2077”. In this game you control illustrious guitar salesman “Johnny Goldfinger” as he do what he can, to become a superman.
Video games cost more. That’s bad. It’s always bad. Don’t pay more for games. That’s bad. Today I explain why the reasons publishers have given for this change aren’t particularly believable.
Nintendo isn’t always…uh…good? In fact, throughout their long and winding history, it’s only a brief period of time that they weren’t just about the worst gaming company out there. Yeah. They were pretty bad. So here’s a video about Nintendo stuff.
Once upon a time in a world now gone by, Xbox was friendly, caring and nice. And simply one day, they asked you to pay, for the privilege of being online. We were baffled confused, what’s this “internet” do And now they want more of your dimes.
GameStop was kinda cool I guess. Then it wasn’t for a while. And then, ya know, it was cool again for a bit. But now, well. That’s the vid. That’s it.
Today I discuss a corporations doing bad things and Metallica doing Metallica things. I might be a few decades late on this vid.
I have a secret. One of fear. One of monke. Fortnite fear. Monke fear.
I like lightbulbs.
Predictions, from the past, are pretty cool to look at. Even as recently as two decades ago, we seemed to expect a massive leap in all industries, all corners of society. But, well, a lot of that didn’t happen. So today I look at 2000s predictions for computers by the year 2020. Should be a fun time.
People like flying cars. People liked flying cars a lot in the 2000s. This is a video about some of those flying cars. I’m not sure what you expected.
Flying cars are cool right? No. They are not. Let me tell you why they are not cool. Because they are not. They are not cool.
So if I asked you what people in the 2000s thought 2020 would be like, it almost sounds like a slightly mundane inquiry on the surface. 2 decades isn’t “that much” time, and it stands to reason that their predictions would be that the tech of the day would get better. Yes, that would make sense. But here’s the thing….modern smartphones, their absolute takeover of modern life, wasn’t a guarantee. IT wasn’t until 2010 or so that it seemed like these smartphones would define the upcoming decade. In 2000, they predicted that things would go a different way. A way that…well…you’ll have to see. They were a bit off.
Homes are cool. I don’t have one though. I live in an apartment. I imagine if I had one it would be nice. But alas. Here’s what people in the past thought about homes in the future. They were pretty…..pretty…pretty close.
The predictions of the 90s and the 2000s. Such a time. Such a good, good, nice, good, time. Ya know, the internet is a pretty new thing right? Like, maybe not the internet as a concept, but, as a “mass public service” and whatnot. People didn’t use it all that much back in the day. So this time let’s just talk about the internet. Good times.
It’s another home from the future, in the past. Yes, another installment in the “Microsoft Home of The Future” Series. This time it’s 2005, so it’s gotta be fun, right? Right? Sorry Suzi.
Augmented Reality. It’s like reality, but better. At least that’s what they tell me.
Artificial Intelligence. Robots. Yeah. This one’s gonna take a while.
Yet again we find ourselves with the greatest home in the world IT’s Microsoft’s house He lives here
VR is something that has always fascinated me. Turns out I’m not alone in that. It’s not something that just manifested into existence in the past decade, it has a long and winding history predating the new millennium. However, that makes my normal “predictions” series of videos difficult to translate over here. Because, well, it was a thing. Not a thing of 2020, or 2010, or even 2000. It was just, a thing. A thing that happened. That’s the video. Yup.
8K is wacky. Wacky is sloppy. Slappy is fun. 8K is fun. Let’s talk about TV, here on the TV channel!
The Metaverse. It's a hot topic as of late, which is a shame. VR. Digital Worlds. Wow. Almost every time I see it talked about it's misunderstood, or simply a word thrown out for investors. This VR living world could be cool, but it probably won't be, especially if ol Zuck is in charge. So today's about Facebook. Why are they so eager for all this stuff. Let's discuss. Or, I'll discuss. I'm just talking to myself. That's what YouTube videos are.
Cryptocurrency, ah, a video I intended on doing a long time ago but...didn't. See, I used to trade this stuff, and have heard all the arguments in support, against, and everything in between. But now it's time for me to say something. Probably. Maybe.
I'm a bit late to the party. 3D TV. What happened. Why. Who. How. Is.
Disney. Monsanto. So much fun to be had. Plastic homes and flat screen TVs, it's the future year of 1986 and it's sure to be a good time.
Forget Tesla and Elon Musk, this was the future we should've had. It’s the gas turbine car, and today I wanted to dive into the long history of these magical machines. Whether it be Chysler, Ford, GM, or even Rover, jet cars were the inevitable future. Until they weren’t. So I guess that’s what the video is about. Yup.
Warner Bros Discovery and HBO Max are collapsing in a beautiful way. Shows are getting axed, layoffs, CNN+ existed.
Google Stadia was a cloud streaming gaming platform that existed for some time. Not a long time, but some. Its failure doesn’t necessarily mean a whole lot, except raising the possibility that big tech may be incapable of breaking into the traditional gaming industry. There’s a lot of reasons many people assumed this was Stadia’s fate, and I kinda just wanted to talk about that this week. Maybe they should’ve bought GTA.
Microsoft! Xbox! Activision! Bobby! We all wanna know what happens if Microsoft buys Activision, but what if they don’t? Do we care about that? Should we? I don’t know! Join me as I take some guesses about what happens if the Microsoft Activision acquisition is no more. It might be interesting! Or maybe there’s a reason nobody is really talking about this. Because it might not be interesting. I really don’t know.
Marky Mark and the Facebook Bunch return and I guess I’m talking about them. VR is fun right? I kinda talk about that. Join me as I make fun of Meta, Metaverse, and a bunch of other stuff. I kinda did have some hopes almost that one day this company could turn things around, but I don’t think that anymore, so yeah. Probably the last Facebook vid I’m doing for a while.
This is a story about internet arguments. About Nintendo. About people arguing about Nintendo. The Nintendo Switch is a pretty well known thing today, but years ago, a lot of people spent a lot of time arguing about what it might be. Today I’m gonna talk about it.
Apple announced it’s VR AR headset finally. I knew I had to make a video about it, so I did.
Iron man and Spiderman and flash man used to be cool but they ain’t anymore. I don’t make the rules. I’ve decided that I’m the best suited person for determining what’s cool and what isn’t and so I’ve decided that these things are not cool anymore. They are lame. Today I’m going to talk about why they are lame. Or at least, that was my intention. I don’t remember if I entirely managed to convey my points here.
Elon Musk is big dumb face and I’m gonna talk about it. Twitter is no more and I’m gonna talk about it I’m gonna talk about several other things as well.
Did Musk Break His Bird? Was it bird that wasn’t already broken? Does anybody care about twitter? Is technology a force for bad in this world? Are birds just dinosaurs? I don’t think x dot com is the future of the internet, but I already ripped on that enough last week. Today I wanna talk about why, even with all Musk’s rather poor decision making skills, Twitter might stay around for the long haul. Maybe.
Well Hollywood people are striking, they want “money”. This got me thinking, what if we just stopped paying people to do work, and replaced them, with robots? AI! That sounds like a good idea, right? Like, first we replace the Hollywood people, then we go for, I don’t know, McDonalds workers, then Menards employees, and then just everybody else. I mean it sounds like a win win to me. Nobody has to work, and the robots will actually get my Big Mac order right. I said no lettuce!
With the actors and writers on strike, things are tense! Why are they on strike! Will they ever not be on strike? What if they aren’t on strike? Why doesn’t Disney do something about it! Let’s find out! Hollywood! Bob Iger! It’s all here!
Disney make people mad. The guys who made iron man cool are now sad. Was art itself just a fad? Found out today on….Knowledge….Rad? VFX artists often get the short end of the stick in Hollywood, and I for one am happy to see them standing up to the house of mouse. But of course, nothing is ever so simple and clean and nice in the world of business, so that’s what I’m probably going to tag about.
Elon Musk Big Brain! Smart Man! Big Smart Man! He Twitter Good!? He Twitter Good!
We often hear about new fancy tech, but I like looking back at what could’ve been. But this stuff stretches the line between “science fiction” and, well, just fantasy. Not really, but that sounded good in my head. Today I’m going back through an article written like 18 years ago, and making fun of the tech predictions inside of it. IS it fair? Probably not. Is it funny? Probably not. You decide.
Sometimes I want to live like a fishy. A fishy man. Fishy man under the water. Club club, fish. Houses. House underwater fish. Sometimes I wish I were fish. Man is like fish. Air is like sea. Above the sea. Under the sea. Me. In the future I think people won’t live in underwater cities, but I figure I might as well cover the history of the predictions where people thought we might. Let us laugh at their misguided ideals of what would never be. Haha he he.
Dumb Underwater Building Concepts
Branding! It’s like marketing, and logos, and stuff, but I guess it has more colors or something. From Coca Cola, to apple, to something else I forgot, every major corporation is obsessed with its image. Because its image matters. And today I want to talk about that for some reason.
So Microsoft (or Xbox) decided to shut down four Bethesda studios. People are not happy. Studios that made games like Hi Fi rush are now dust in the wind and I want answers. But I won’t get them. So I’ll just guess. I want to talk about the state of Xbox, what it might mean for the future, and where I think this is all heading. Honestly, probably to the PlayStation.
Should Microsoft make another Xbox? And if they do, what should it be? Maybe they’ll make a handheld! Or an AI box! Or nothing at all! Maybe every xbox game will end up on the playstation or the switch I don’t know. Today I will dive into whether I, me, personally, think that Microsoft will make another Xbox, and if they do, what I, me, personally, think that it should be. So yeah That’s the video
We use smartphones a lot. Too much some may even argue. Over the past decade or so they’ve become more or less a necessity in society. But they necessarily…need to be, right? As time goes on, people have become content with older phones. No need to upgrade every year, and in response big tech had a plan. Replace the smartphone with VR headsets, and AR headset. And smart glasses. To you this might seem bizarre and nonsensical, but to somebody, somewhere, it all made sense. Today I want to take a look at how I feel this experiment has failed, and explore why headsets will never replace the smartphone.
Microsoft is ruining Windows. It just keeps getting worse. Whether it be their insistence on AI and cloud garbage, or just a general sense of incompetence, I can’t help but feel like the operating system has seen better days. Normally I wouldn’t care too much, big tech ruins another thing, whatever. But the problem is Microsoft has such a dominant market share that you can’t really escape them. I guess unless you use a Mac or something I don’t know.
Halo has seen its ups and downs over the past few years. But I think we can all agree that the franchise that once defined the Xbox brand has seen better days. At this point, a lot of people seem to wonder what it has any days even left. After the failure of several games, a TV show, and a series of bizarre attempts to expand the fanbase, Halo has become pretty much irrelevant at this point. I want to briefly go over how this happened, but also discuss where the series might go in the future.
Technology! Smartphones! Apple! I have to read the news a lot. I don’t like reading the news. Please just let me complain about reading the news. I just feel like websites, “the media”, should be held to a higher standard. Some accountability for what they do. That will be provided by me, a talking cat.
Concord. IT’s a lot of things to a lot of people. Except good. OR something that they’re willing to play. Today I want to discuss what appears to be the biggest flop in gaming history. A AAA game live service that nobody bothered to show up and play. Why did this happen? What did Sony let this happen? Why did happen this Sony? Let’s find out. Together.
2024 has been a wild...week for Sony. First concord released, got shut down, PlayStation was getting clowned on. Then Astro bot drops, people love it, PlayStation is great again. Then the PS5 Pro. Just all of it. Its...well, not great And today, I want to talk about why it's not great. Hint: it's the price
Nintendo sued Palworld! Gasp! Well, it’s not that surprising. We all knew it was gonna happen eventually. The game was just a “bit too” close to Pokemon. But the reason for why they got sued is pretty interesting. Or disturbing. Yeah, there’s the patents, but there’s more to the story than that. Or at least I think so. So that’s what I’m gonna talk about today.
It seems like Ubisoft is running on burrowed time. Okay, to be fair, it’s felt like that for a while now. After all, with so many failures, it was only a matter of time before the company would go under, right? Well, while Ubisoft is still around, I think it’s safe to assume that something has gone horribly wrong. Investors seem to want change. The fate of the entire corporation seems to hinge on Assassin’s Creed Shadows, which has been delayed from its initial release from November 2024, into 2025. Today I want to talk about what’s gone wrong, and why I personally don’t think anything can save this company from the inevitable.
Over the past few months Xbox has made some pretty odd decisions for a console manufacturer. From putting games to competitors platforms, to ignoring important questions about the future of the brand, it’s just been a bad time all around to be an xbox fan. In the past I’ve discussed some of this, but recently things have gotten a lot…weirder. There’s been more communication, more announcements, more details about where Xbox is heading. Of course, this is what people wanted. More transparency. Problem is, it suggests a direction for Xbox that fans probably won’t appreciate. So today, I want to talk about all of that. Or something.
We often hear that physical media, DVDs, Blu Rays, and all that is on the way out. But honestly, I think it still has a chance. Kind of. New information has come out about buying habits for consumers regarding physical media with video games, and its genuinely surprising, at least to me. For all the talk of how its the end of physical media, and how the manufacturers are clearly pushing for an all digital future, I think it would actually be a huge mistake to abandon this stuff anytime soon.
Artificial Intellegence has really come and gone as the big buzzword, hasn’t it? At one point it seemed like everybody only wanted to talk about this stuff and now….well, where is it? Seems like interest has plummeted, or at least that’s what I suspect. From poor iPhone sales to general apathy I want to take a look at why I think nobody really cares about AI anymore.
Xbox! I like xbox. Or I did. Or I still do! Because everything’s an xbox! And I like things. Therefore I like Xbox. It’s profound, in a way. It’s also really dumb. And today I just want to make fun of what seems to be another blunder from Microsoft’s marketing department. “This is is an Xbox” Including Playstation and Nintendo, I guess. Right?
About 2 years ago, I made this video about AI art and how I felt it was on the verge of destroying art itself or something. Very existential, very somber. But in the time since I’ve made that video, I’ve realized that maybe I was duped. Maybe this technology isn’t all powerful, all capable, and maybe there are limitations that technological progress can’t solve. Maybe this is destined to just make funny clips on the internet. So today, I’m gonna take a look back at what’s happened, what I think will happen, and why ultimately AI art isn’t going to replace humans.
Back in 2002, a special on TV tried to predict what would happen in 2025. That’s right, back when the iPod and Windows XP was the coolest thing around, humanity decided to take a shot predicting what might happen….now. Then, it was lost. For nearly 2 decades this thing was almost impossible to find, and at one point became lost media. And that’s a shame, because this is filled with good ol early 2000s nostalgia and bad acting. But now, in 2025, we have it again. And I’m gonna watch it.
Microsoft has been doing a lot of weird things with the xbox brand recently. Putting previous console exclusives to competing boxes is the sort of thing you’d expect if they were getting out of the console war, right? So….are they getting out of the console war? Today I want to talk about what I think Microsoft is planning on doing, and whether I think they can pull it off.