HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER MOOLANA DEL RAY! I take her out for ice cream and Keren sleeps with Jackson all day in his very own comfortable bed. Landon watches the new Spiderman with me and ohh yeah Keren stains our wooden shelves! woot woot! When I was 16 years old, I remember sneaking my friends inside my room to play xbox all the time. I had a door that led to the backyard and that's where they would come in. The only problem was my mom planted a garden directly outside the door. I'm not sure why but that's what she did. Well all my friends knew to jump over the garden or tip toe around it to not break the plants except for my friend Ian. He was a little on the heavy side so all of us would hold his hands and swing him across. It worked every time and my moms garden was never damaged that way. Well one time, all my friends had already come over and we were in an intense game but Ian had to come late because he had to eat dinner with his family. I heard him outside the door but couldn't pause the game because we were playing online and the internet waits for nobody. My friends and I yelled out to him to just jump and he could do it when I knew dang well he could not do it. Well he jumped as high and as far as he could go but landed directly on my mom's mint leaves but didn't tell me. He walked in my room and joined the game and all was well. The next morning I woke up and went to school and when I came back home I found my mom in my room. She looked furious. In her hands she was holding her dead plants. This woman slapped me so hard, I did a double backflip and landed it 10/10!!!! I cried. My xbox cried. I told my friends what happened and they cried with me. My mom was mad but then she just made me and my friends dig up and move the garden to another place in the backyard. Everything is Gucci now. I want to start a gaming channel.