We try to hold back tears as we take apart Jackson's crib and yes there is a montage. Have tissues ready if you've watching since he was born. Khoa cried. Keren cried. Jackson cried. Landon judged us all. I remember one time I got into Jackson's crib and I heard a loud crack. I freaked out because I thought it was Jackson but then I saw him right in front of me. It turned out to be Keren's new makeup brush. I'm not sure how it got into the crib but it was snapped in half now. Well, as I was getting out of the crib after my cozy nap with Jackson, Keren walked in and back in the day she would get so mad if I laid in the crib because she really didn't want it to break. I couldn't help it though because I love hanging out with Jackson. So she walked in already mad and then she saw her makeup brush on the floor. Boy oh boy, she started yelling at me and Jackson thinking he was the one that broke the makeup brush. But I aint gonna let my boy take heat for something he didn't do. I owned up to it and that might've been a mistake because Keren smacked me so hard, the makeup brush fixed itself and the crib broke. Jackson got mad so he smacked me and Keren as well. I fixed the crib and cried. Keren cried too. Jackson took another nap.