Keren tried to surf and falls so bad it was so funny! Jackson learns how to say shapes and it's adorable. We hang out with Lana, Luzu and Wyatt all day! It was a great time except when I burned my butt. One time, I was at the beach with Keren when she decided she wanted to try to surf. I didn't have a surf board but I did have a boogie board. I brought her out to the wave and I told her since she was small then maybe she could stand up. I was wrong. She rode the wave and tried popping up but fell and ate crap. As she was walking in, a crab pinched her toe. She screamed so I ran out to carry her in but the crab pinched my toe as well which made me fall on Keren. She was angry but we stood up and a wave hit us again and I knocked Keren over. When we got to shore, she smacked me so hard I skidded across the ocean on the boogie board and cried. My boogie board cried with me. I'm in Australia now.