I pass by this gigantic home all the time and it looks like it's almost done! Keren lets every dragon ball z fan down. The other night I went to the gym and I was talking to the front desk lady about the hours and if I could bring a guest or not. She was giving me all the info when I realized everyone in the gym is looking in my direction. I had no idea why until I looked to my left and all I saw was a huge bicep. If you know me, I'm a pretty tall guy standing a little over 6 feet. Well, I was eye to eye with this mans elbow. He had to have been 7 feet tall or more. He had muscles on his muscles. I looked up and saw a smiling friendly giant staring down at me. He must've thought I knew who he was because he held out his hand and said Nice to meet ya! I placed my hand in his gigantic claws and he shook it with such a grip, my ancestors felt it. I cried. He was so tall he couldn't see the tears coming out of my eyes though. My ancestors called me and smacked me through the phone. They cried with me as well. I don't know who that famous person or athlete was but it was nice meeting them.