Keren flies back home from New York City to see her family including a puppy! Yay! She also got stung by a bee. By the way, what is a bee's favorite singer? Bee-yonce. Haha get it? oh ok. I remember my first time getting stung by a bee. I was about 12 years old and just woke up from a nap. I decided to go outside and maybe try to climb this tree I've always wanted to climb. Well when I opened my front door, I saw my brother standing there with jeans on and a sweater holding a long stick. He also had this crazy ski mask on and I was so confused. I stepped outside to ask him what the was doing but it was too late. He knocked a bee hive from the top of my door and all of the bees angrily buzzed around my head. STING SITNG STING!!! I got stung by 3 bees in a row before I ran, stop, dropped, and rolled. It looked like I was on fire. My brother could not stop laughing and I could not stop crying. I know not to walk outside when my brother is wearing winter clothes in the middle of summer.