Landon can finally sit up on his own! We have a guest visit our home. Jackson has so much fun screaming and so does Khoa. Keren helps her sister!!! Yaaaaaaaay! Okay so last night I fell asleep on the couch but woke up this morning in my bed. The last time that happened, Rugrats was still on Nickelodeon and the internet wasn't wireless yet. As you could tell I was very confused. I thought for sure I somehow time traveled so I walked out to the kitchen to see if I had a home phone directly connected to the wall. I didn't. Instead I saw Keren feeding Jackson and Landon rolling on the ground. I asked Keren how I got to bed and she told me the whole story. Apparently I was watching Back to The Future when I fell asleep on the couch. Keren put the kids to bed and in the middle of the night I woke up to get some water. I must've accidentally slammed the cabinet and woke Landon up. That boy wouldn't go back to sleep for another hour and a half. You can imagine how frustrated Keren was. When she walked out and saw me fast asleep on the couch, she smacked me so hard, my soul left my body and dragged my lanky body to bed. He knew he had to get me out of there. Apparently I cried myself to sleep. My soul cried with me of course. We're homies. He always has my back.