Crazy scam that happened on twitter and we actually fell for it! We were also featured on Refinery29 and Buzzfeed!!! Also someone makes another guest appearance on the vlog! Comment below who you think it is! As many of you know by the title we got scammed so bad. It reminds me of another time I got scammed in high school. The brand new iPhone 3G had just come out and all my friends had one. I saw how it was touch screen and even had YouTube already installed. This blew my mind and I really wanted one. Unfortunately I couldn't afford a brand new phone so I looked up the prices of used phones. I saw that they were about $300 which was still expensive but I saw the value and wanted one so bad. I worked my butt off every single day and back then I only made $10 a day because my family was struggling at the time. I finally saved up $300 and contacted someone selling a white iPhone 3G. We met at a book store which was a public place and he was very fast when talking to me. I was so young and dumb I just handed him the money without inspecting the phone and he got in his car and drove away as fast as possible. I got back home and opened the box. The phone was completely broken. I tried calling the guy back but he used a temporary phone and cut it off. I was so sad. I didn't cry because my friends were there but inside I cried a lot. My new broken iPhone cried with me. I don't use craigslist anymore.