A little boy visits us! Jackson is so funny when he tries to sing. Landon still has blue eyes. Khoa and Keren buy something new! Sorry for the late story everyone. I was busy fixing the holes in the walls of my office closet. That reminds me of one time when Keren and I had just moved into our very first apartment together. We had just gotten home from work and I was starving so I turned on the oven to make a pizza. I sat down on the couch and accidentally dozed off. I woke up and jumped 10 feet in the air because I remembered the oven was on and I didn't remember how long I was passed out for. I got up and ran towards the kitchen when all of a sudden Keren turned the corner and I bumped into her holding a freshly cooked pizza. Long story short, Keren saw the pizza on the counter and cooked it while I slept. I knocked it out of her arms when I ran to the kitchen so she slapped me so hard, my head went through the wall and into our neighbors living room. My neighbor was so scared, she smacked me back to my side of the house. I cried. My neighbor cried. I had to pay to fix the walls. The pizza cried as well.