When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or take a nap if you're not in the mood. Sorry for the short vlog! It was honestly a terrible day trying to juggle everything. I'm usually good with multi-tasking but Landon was just so sick and I felt so bad I couldn't pick up the camera. The other night while I was sleeping, I guess I was really hungry because Keren woke me up and told me to stop chewing on her arm. I said sorry and went back to sleep. When I woke up again I was in the kitchen cooking ramen but that wasn't what woke me up. It was the sound of someone stomping coming from the hallway. Apparently I was too loud getting the pot out and filling it up with water. I stared at the hallway and I was horrified when I saw what came around the corner. It was the beast aka Keren. She walked up to me and smacked me so hard, I fell into a deep slumber on the kitchen floor. The water boiled over and splashed me in the face. I cried. My uncooked ramen cried. Jackson woke up and he cried too. I don't cook ramen in the middle of the night anymore.