I feel so bad for our poor baby :( Jackson says popsicle. Khoa and Keren finally signs up! What an exciting day. But also sad. But also happy. One time I was feeding Jackson when he was just 8 months old. That boy was so hungry he kept trying to grab the jar and feed himself. If you have been watching for that long, you'll know Jackson was pretty advanced and knew how to walk at this age. Well I guess I was feeding him too slow because after the third bite, he grabbed my finger and pulled me in real close to his face. He screamed AHHHHH but I knew that meant feed me faster or I'll slap you. I eventually gave him the jar and let him eat out of it. That was a mistake because he made a huge mess. Keren came home and saw baby food everywhere. She smacked me so hard I landed in Jackson's crib and went down for the night. I cried in my sleep. Jackson's crib cried as well because I was too heavy.