Khoa explains why the kids have eczema. Keren goes shopping again. Jackson makes a funny face against the glass. Landon won't stop rolling. We finally don't talk about a/c or pH levels. Oops.... One time in high school I was supposed to pick keren up but that morning I slept in. I don't remember why I was so tired but when I woke up I had 42 missed calls from keren and 976 text messages. One of the text messages said "if I'm late to my first period again I will get a detention". I jumped in my car and drove to her house when she came out side she was so mad she didn't talk to me she just got in the car. Well we got to school and she was late to her first period. When I saw her at lunch she smacked me so hard I got detention instead of her. I cried. My detention slip cried. That was the first detention I ever got.