Landon is so happy! Keren attempts to sweat but fails. Khoa is in the closet. Jackson screeched. Clara plays guitar and sings. It is beautiful. I remember the first time my mom brought home baby food for my little sister. She was feeding her Gerber Bananas. I loved taking care of my sister so I asked if I could feed her. My mom handed me the baby food and walked away. My little sister was loving it. She made it look so delicious. I was curious so eventually I took a bite. It was love. I devoured the rest of the jar. As I took the last bite my mom walked in. She asked what I was doing. I told her I have no idea, I don't know what came over me. She smacked me so hard I landed in my sister's crib and took an afternoon nap. My sister cried. I cried. Now I eat Jackson and Landon's baby food.