Keren climbed a rock! Landon went through a fountain and Jackson stared at some kids. Khoa loves Gwen Stefani. One night Keren told me she was super hungry. She asked me to make her a bowl of ramen while she puts the kids to bed and of course I told her I would because she my baby mama. I'll do anything for that woman but my boy Oscar had just hopped on Xbox and told me he was ready to play zombies. This is my stress relief so you know I locked myself in the game room right away. Thirty minutes later I hear a knock on the door. It was the beast aka Keren. You never want to upset a beast especially if she is hungry. I had to tell her the truth though. I told her I didn't make her anything yet because I forgot. Her eyes turned black and her hair turned into snakes. She look like a pretty version of Medusa. She gave me one look and I turned to stone. My xbox turned into stone too. I didn't hear Oscar on the headset anymore so I'm pretty sure he was stone as well. Then she slapped me so hard I turned into pebbles. I cried. My xbox cried with me. I don't know if this is true but Oscar on the other side cried too.