Yesterday was a rough day for me because Jackson was not feeling well and I was taking care of him without Keren which I'm not used to. If I didn't have so much work, I don't think I would have been as stressed but I just wanted Jackson to feel better and be happy. I could tell he was tired after coming home from Playlist Live so I skipped feeding him since he drank whole bottle of milk. I put him down in his crib but this kid did not go down without a fight. He was tugging on my shirt, my neck, and he also ripped my afro straight off. Eventually I got him into the crib and closed the door and walked away. To be honest I am not like Keren where she can let him cry himself to sleep. I feel really bad even though I know it's what you're supposed to do. So after 20 minutes I walked back in and picked Jackson up. This boy immediately stopped crying and gave me a dead stare straight into my eyeballs. He pulled his hand back and slapped me into the year 2020 where I saw future Jackson as a 5 year old speaking complete sentences. Future Jackson said to me, "Boy if you ever try to put me down without feeding me again I'll poop on your red shoes." Once I came back to the present, I fed Jackson chicken noodle soup and a side of grapes and mangos. He was happy again and fell right asleep.