King Dedede orders Fololo and Falala to split up, but they refuse. Then they go to sir Ebrum and Lady Like to ask where they came from, but they quickly change the subject. After evrey one leaves, they recall howw Dedede dropped them in their laps and ordered them to take care of them, then found out they were actually from a monster named Fofa. Kirby is found listening to them. Meanwhile, Dedede orders a monster called Splice and Dice. Splice 'n' Dice finds Kirby and cuts him into a male and female Kirby. Fololo and Falala carry the Kirbys off. S 'n' D reconizes them as Fofa and tells them he split them up and sent them to Dedede a few years ago. After a wacky chase, Tiff and Tuff steal S 'n' D's Sun Rod witch can put them back together. They put Kirby back together, who sucks up S'n'D's cutter rod and becomes cutter Kirby. Kirby easily defeats S'n'D, but the Sun rod is destroyed before they put Fololo and Falala together. But they don't mind, they like being apart.
La tête du Roi DaDiDou sur les épaules d'Escargoon ?! Un monstre appelé Copier Coller s'amuse à intervertir les têtes et les corps des habitants qu'il rencontre ! Il croise ensuite la route de FoLolo et FaLala et leur apprend que ces deux-là ne faisaient à l'origine qu'un !
El rey Dedede ordena que Fololo y Falala se separen, pero ellos se niegan. Luego acuden a sir Ebrum y Lady Like para preguntarles de dónde vienen, pero rápidamente cambian de tema. Después de que Evrey uno se va, recuerdan cómo Dedede los dejó caer en sus regazos y les ordenó que los cuidaran, luego descubrieron que en realidad eran de un monstruo llamado Fofa.