A giant silverback gorilla king named Titus caresses his infant. But he is no gentle giant. This 400 pound ruler has massive strength and a powerful chest. Wise and powerful, the silverback sovereign commands by his sheer presence, and it's his job to maintain order in his clan. Yet rivalry is erupting in his own kingdom. Soon, he may be reaching the end of his reign. What would happen if he were deposed? His own son, Rano, is out to take his father's place as king. Will he succeed?
Titus, un enorme gorilla, lotta per mantenere la sua corona. Ma suo figlio Rano fa di tutto per spodestarlo. Cosa accadrebbe se la potente creatura fosse deposta?
Esta es la historia de Titus, el más grande de todos los machos de lomo plateado que conocemos, que lucha por conservar su corona. Con sus ciento ochenta kilos, este temible soberano tiene una fuerza increíble y un pecho poderoso.
Solo hay un problema: a sus treinta y cinco años, el final del reinado de Titus se acerca. Empiezan a aparecer rivales en su territorio.